Keiô 3 (慶応三年)

Timeline of 1867

Other Events of 1867

  • The French take three more provinces of Southeast Asia.
  • Japan exhibits at the 1867 Paris World's Fair (Exposition Universelle); the exposition as a whole is four times the size of any previous such exposition. The shogunate, and Satsuma han (as "Kingdom of Ryukyu and Satsuma"), send separate delegations; the weakened shogunal legitimacy this presents causes France to withhold a crucial monetary loan from the shogunate.
  • Kôno Bairei opens his juku in Kyoto.
  • Charles LeGendre, US Consul in Amoy, leads a mission to meet with Taiwanese aboriginal leaders, and receives a promise from a man called Tôkitoku in Japanese sources that ships flying the US flag will not be attacked.
  • Seward's Folly - The United States purchases Alaska from Emperor Alexander II of Russia.
  • A temporary Treaty of Friendship between Japan and the Kingdom of Hawaii is signed by US Minister R.B. Van Valkenburgh, representing Hawaii.

Births and Deaths

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1867 Following Year