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Kôka 3 (弘化三年)

Timeline of 1846

  • 1846/4/5 Protestant missionary Bernard Bettelheim arrives in Ryûkyû aboard the British ship Starling.
  • 1846/4/7 A French ship called Sabine arrives in Ryûkyû.
  • 1846/5/13 The French ship Cleopatre, captained by Jean-Baptiste Cecille, arrives in Ryûkyû along with another French warship.
  • 1846/8 The French ships depart Ryûkyû, and take with them the missionary Theodore Augustin Forcade, who had arrived in Ryûkyû in 1844, aboard the Alcmene. They leave behind another missionary, Mathieu Adnet, to take his place.

Other Events of 1846

Births and Deaths

Previous Year
1846 Following Year