
Timeline format

Here are some examples to give an idea of the correct format for timelines.

When you have two events in the same month, but you only have the day of the month for one, put the event that includes the day second:

* 1581/9 [[Sagara Yoshihira]] of [[Higo province]] surrenders to [[Shimazu Yoshihisa]].

* 1581/9/11 [[Siege of Iga]]

This is the result:

If three things happened in the same month, but you only have the day for one of them, it should look like this:

* 1581/9

** [[Sagara Yoshihira]] of [[Higo province]] surrenders to [[Shimazu Yoshihisa]].

** XYZ happened this month.

* 1581/9/11 [[Siege of Iga]]

This is the result:

Example Timeline (1572)

Genki 3 (元亀三年)

Timeline of 1572

Other Events of 1572

Battles of 1572

Births and Deaths

Previous Year
1572 Following Year