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1,281 bytes added ,  07:40, 1 February 2007
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:Thank you Mr Obenjo! If my article doesn't match with your article, you can modify it.--[[User:Shikisoku|Shikisoku]] 03:57, 1 February 2007 (PST)
:Thank you Mr Obenjo! If my article doesn't match with your article, you can modify it.--[[User:Shikisoku|Shikisoku]] 03:57, 1 February 2007 (PST)
==Formal name==
This issue is not only Shinsengumi category. Seven just added full name on [[Serizawa Kamo]]. I would like to say it's formal name.(If any better translation please post here)
The name as a court noble.(朝臣としての正式な名のり)
*From [[Serizawa Kamo]]"(His full name was Serizawa Kamo Taira no Mitsumoto.) "
*From J-wiki:「芹沢氏は常陸国芹沢村(現茨城県行方市)の芹沢城主の流れを汲む上席郷士であり、平姓で、平氏の中の板東平氏の一族で、常陸平氏の大掾氏一族の平清幹、平成幹の後裔。諱は光幹であり、芹沢鴨の朝臣としての正式な名のりは「平光幹(たいら・の・みつもと)」。」
The formal names are usually "Taira no something" "Fujiwara no something" "Minamoto no something".
For example, Oda Nobunaga's formal name was Taira no Nobunaga.
Tokugawa Ieyasu was Fujiwara no Ieyasu but he changed to Minamoto no Ieyasu later.
But as we know, the names were rarely used on historical records and history books.
So I have avoided to add the names.
If we decide to add the names, small change may be needed to The official biography format.
* ''Born: ''
* ''Died: ''
* ''Titles: ''
* ''Childhood Name: Kipposhi''
* ''Formal Name''
* ''Japanese:''


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