Sho Boku

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Reproduction of ogoe portrait of King Shô Boku, produced by Tokyo University of the Arts, 2020-21.

Shô Boku was a king of the Kingdom of Ryûkyû, the 14th monarch of the Second Shô Dynasty. He was the eldest son of King Shô Kei and succeeded his father in 1752.

Including various categories of wives and concubines, Shô Boku had five partners.[1]


  • "Shô Boku." Okinawa konpakuto jiten (沖縄コンパクト事典, "Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia"). Ryukyu Shimpo. 1 March 2003. Accessed 17 October 2009.
  1. Ono Masako, Tomita Chinatsu, Kanna Keiko, Taguchi Megumi, "Shiryô shôkai Kishi Akimasa bunko Satsuyû kikô," Shiryôhenshûshitsu kiyô 31 (2006), 243.
Preceded by:
Shô Kei
King of Ryûkyû
Succeeded by:
Shô On