Oda Hidenobu

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  • Born: 1581
  • Died: 1602
  • Childhood name: Sambôshi
  • Other names: Paul

Hidenobu was an infant (and then known as Sambôshi) when his father and [Oda Nobunaga|grandfather]] were killed by the forces of Akechi Mitsuhide on 21 June 1582. He was suggested as a successor to Nobunaga by Toyotomi Hideyoshi at the Kiyosu Conference and this was at length accepted by the bulk of the Oda retainers. Hidenobu was given Gifu castle in Mino province when he came of age, though he, of course, was never to succeed his grandfather in anything but name. He sided with Ishida Mitsunari during the Sekigahara Campaign (1600) and had his castle was stormed by Ikeda Terumasa and Fukushima Masanori. Although he was a Christian (and in this capacity known as Paul) he shaved his head and became a monk, dying two years later at Mt. Koya.
