Kyôhô 6 (享保六年)

Timeline of 1721

  • 1721/3 The shogunal falconry grounds fall out of use. Falconry is not practiced there for the remainder of the Edo period, but the grounds remain off-limits to commoners and peasants (incl. especially prohibiting them from shooting, or hunting, birds on those grounds).

Other Events of 1721

  • The shogunate begins authorizing nakama guild groups to become kabunakama, overseeing the organization and trade within given trades (fields of work).
  • A shogunate edict sets limits on the size of sankin kôtai processions; most processions continue to be dramatically in excess of these limits for many years afterward.
  • A shogunal ban on yomiuri news-singers and news-papers is re-issued.

Births and Deaths

Previous Year
1721 Following Year