Mizuno Tadanori

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  • Other Names: 水野忠篤 (Mizuno Tadaatsu)
  • Japanese: 水野 忠徳 (Mizuno Tadanori)

Mizuno Tadanori was a Tokugawa shogunate official who served as Uraga bugyô from 1852 to 1853, when he was reassigned to the position of Nagasaki bugyô. It was as Nagasaki bugyô that he signed the Anglo-Japanese Convention of 1854 on behalf of the shogunate, opening the ports of Nagasaki and Hakodate to British vessels, as well as granting most favored nation status and several other provisions to the United Kingdom.


  • Mitani Hiroshi, David Noble (trans.), Escape from Impasse, International House of Japan (2006), 222-232.
  • Ishin Shiryô Kôyô 維新史料綱要, vol 1, University of Tokyo Shiryôhensanjo (1937), 354, 410.