810 bytes added
, 11 October
*''Born: [[1658]]''
*''Died: [[1703]]''
*''Other Names'': 琥自謙 ''(Hu Ziqian)''
*''Japanese'': [[石嶺]] 伝莫 ''(Ishimine Denbaku)''
Ishimine Denbaku, also known as Hu Ziqian, was a court painter of the [[Ryukyu Kingdom]].
He received training from the [[Fuzhou]]-based painter [[Sun Yi]]. Ishimine is known to have contributed some details or flourishes in [[1693]] to paintings at the [[Engaku-ji (Okinawa)|Engaku-ji]], and that same year to have produced copies of nine ''[[ogo-e]]'' royal portraits.
*Nagatsu Teizô 永津禎三、"[https://www.ryukyubiken.com/第17回定例研究会 Shô ôke kakeizu to ogoe]"「尚王家家系図と御後絵」、self-published, 9 May 2024.
[[Category:Artists and Artisans]]
[[Category:Edo Period]]