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Created page with "*''Other Names'': 鬼界ヶ島 ''(Kikaigashima)'' *''Japanese'': 硫黄島 ''(Iôshima)'' Iôshima (lit. "sulfur island") is a small island in Kagoshima prefecture, locat..."
*''Other Names'': 鬼界ヶ島 ''(Kikaigashima)''
*''Japanese'': 硫黄島 ''(Iôshima)''

Iôshima (lit. "sulfur island") is a small island in [[Kagoshima prefecture]], located to the south of the Satsuma peninsula, and north of [[Kuchinoerabu Island]] and [[Yakushima]].

It is also sometimes known as Kikaigashima, and some accounts reckon that it was here, and not on the other nearby [[Kikaigashima|island by that name]], that the monk [[Shunkan]] was exiled in [[1177]].<ref>Ono Masako, Tomita Chinatsu, Kanna Keiko, Taguchi Kei, "Shiryô shôkai Kishi Akimasa bunko Satsuyû kikô," ''Shiryôhenshûshitsu kiyô'' 31 (2006), 230.</ref>

Iôshima is not to be confused with the similarly-named [[Io Torishima|Iô Torishima]] in the [[Amami Islands]], nor with the remote [[Iwo Jima]] far to the east, and famous for the World War II battle which took place there.



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