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*Jan 3: ''Genshisai'' (元始祭), or "Festival of Origins", commemorated the descent to earth of [[Ninigi-no-mikoto]], grandchild of [[Amaterasu]].
*Jan 3: ''Genshisai'' (元始祭), or "Festival of Origins", commemorated the descent to earth of [[Ninigi-no-mikoto]], grandchild of [[Amaterasu]].
*Jan 5: ''Shinnen enkai'' (新年宴会), or "New Year's Festival."
*Jan 5: ''Shinnen enkai'' (新年宴会), or "New Year's Festival."
*Feb 11: ''Kigensetsu'' (紀元節), or "Foundation Day," commemorating the establishment of the Imperial line with the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu on Feb 11, 660 BCE.
*Feb 11: ''Kigensetsu'' (紀元節), or "Foundation Day," commemorating the establishment of the Imperial line with the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu on Feb 11, 660 BCE, and the anniversary of the promulgation of the [[Meiji Constitution]] on Feb 11, [[1889]].<ref name=fujitani16>Fujitani, 16.</ref>
*March 20-21 (vernal equinox): ''Shunki kôreisai'' (春季皇霊祭), or "Spring Memorial Festival of Imperial Ancestors."
*March 20-21 (vernal equinox): ''Shunki kôreisai'' (春季皇霊祭), or "Spring Memorial Festival of Imperial Ancestors." Moved in 1917 to April 30.<ref name=fujitani16/>
*April 3: ''Jimmu tennôsai'' (神武天皇祭), or "Emperor Jimmu Festival," marking the anniversary of Jimmu's death.
*April 3: ''Jimmu tennôsai'' (神武天皇祭), or "Emperor Jimmu Festival," marking the anniversary of Jimmu's death.
*Sept 20-21 (autumnal equinox): ''Shûki kôreisai'' (秋季皇霊祭), or "Autumn Memorial Festival of Imperial Ancestors."
*Sept 20-21 (autumnal equinox): ''Shûki kôreisai'' (秋季皇霊祭), or "Autumn Memorial Festival of Imperial Ancestors." Moved in 1917 to October 23.<ref name=fujitani16/>
*Oct 17: ''Kannamesai'' (神嘗祭), or "Offering of the First Fruits Festival," in which offerings of the first harvest of the year were made at [[Ise Shrine]] and at the ''kashikodokoro'' of the [[Tokyo Imperial Palace]]. Originally observed on September 17, it was moved to October in [[1879]]; offerings at the Imperial Palace on this day began in [[1871]], and were previously made only at Ise.<ref name=saishi>Of thirteen rites regularly performed by the emperor himself, the ''kannamesai'' and ''niinamesai'' were the only two which had historical precedents prior to the [[Meiji period]].</ref>
*Oct 17: ''Kannamesai'' (神嘗祭), or "Offering of the First Fruits Festival," in which offerings of the first harvest of the year were made at [[Ise Shrine]] and at the ''kashikodokoro'' of the [[Tokyo Imperial Palace]]. Originally observed on September 17, it was moved to October in [[1879]]; offerings at the Imperial Palace on this day began in [[1871]], and were previously made only at Ise.<ref name=saishi>Of thirteen rites regularly performed by the emperor himself, the ''kannamesai'' and ''niinamesai'' were the only two which had historical precedents prior to the [[Meiji period]].</ref>
*Nov 3: ''Meijisetsu'' (明治節), "Meiji Festival," established in 1927 in honor of the [[Meiji Emperor]].
*Nov 3: ''Meijisetsu'' (明治節), "Meiji Festival," established in 1927 in honor of the [[Meiji Emperor]].


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