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Created page with "*''Japanese'': 鶴田 啓 ''(Tsuruta Kei)'' Tsuruta Kei is a professor at the University of Tokyo, specializing in the history of foreign relations in early modern Japan,..."
*''Japanese'': 鶴田 啓 ''(Tsuruta Kei)''

Tsuruta Kei is a professor at the [[University of Tokyo]], specializing in the history of foreign relations in early modern Japan, especially relations with Korea.

He is originally from [[Kanagawa prefecture]].

Tsuruta has overseen the compilation of several sets of historical documents, including a catalog of documents related to the [[So clan|Sô clan]] of [[Tsushima han|Tsushima]] (''Sôke shiryô mokuroku''<!--『宗家史料目録』-->, documents related to [[Kondo Shuzo|Kondô Shûzô]] and [[Ezo]] (''Kondô Shûzô Ezo-chi kankei shiryô''<!--大日本近世史料『近藤重蔵蝦夷地関係史料』-->), and the diary of [[Saito Gesshin|Saitô Gesshin]] (''Saitô Gesshin nikki''<!--大日本古記録『齋藤月岑日記』-->).

==Selected Publications==
===In English===
*"The Establishment and Characteristics of the Tsushima Gate," ''Acta Asiatica'' 67 (1994).

===In Japanese===
*''Tsushima kara mita Nicchô kankei'' ("Japan-Korea relations as seen from Tsushima"), Nihonshi libretto series, Yamakawa shuppan, 2006.<!--対馬からみた日朝関係-->
*"''Bakuhan kenryôku to bôeki - Tsushima han no baai wo chûshin ni''" ("Shogunate-domain authority/power and trade - with a focus on the case of Tsushima Domain"), The Bulletin of the Department of Historical Documents, NIJL (34), 2003.<!--幕藩権力と貿易--対馬藩の場合を中心に-->
*''Tsushima Sôke monjo - Daikanminkoku kokushi hensan iinkai shozô'' ("Tsushima Sô clan documents - in the collections of the National Institute of Korean History"), National Institute of Korean History, 2002.<!--対馬宗家文書―大韓民国国史編纂委員会所蔵-->
*"''Nikkan kankei shi kenkyû no gendankai wo kangaeru kenkyû shûkai hôkoku - Nikkan sôhô no shiryô kara miru sesshoku no ba''" ("Research Meetings: The Point of Contact between Japan and Korea as Seen from Materials of Both Sides"), University of Tokyo Shiryôhensanjo kiyô 11, 2001.<!--日韓関係史研究の現段階を考える研究集会報告>日韓双方の史料からみる接触の場-->
*"''17 seiki no Matsumae han to Ezo chi''" ("Matsumae han and Ezo-chi in the 17th century"), in Fujita Satoru (ed.), ''17 seiki no Nihon to higashi ajia'' ("17th century Japan and East Asia"), Yamakawa Shuppan, 2000.<!--「17世紀の松前藩と蝦夷地」藤田覚編『十七世紀の日本と東アジア』山川出版社、2000年11月--><ref>All English translations of titles are my own ([[User:LordAmeth]]), are meant only as a rough guideline to the topic or content, and should not be relied upon when searching for these materials.</ref>
*"''Saitô Gesshin nikki no bakumatsu'' ("The Bakumatsu of the Diary of Saitô Gesshin"), in ''Nikki ga kataru 19 seiki no Yokohama'' ("19th century Yokohama as told in diaries"), Yamakawa Shuppan, 1998.<!--「斎藤月岑日記の幕末」『日記が語る19世紀の横浜』山川出版社、1998年3月-->
*"''Edo bakufu kankeisha no Ainu shuchô kan''" ("The Ainu chief perspective of those related to the Edo shogunate") in ''Kyôkai no Nihonshi'' ("Japanese History of Borders"), Yamakawa Shuppan, 1997.<!--「江戸幕府関係者のアイヌ首長観」『境界の日本史』山川出版社、1997年11月-->
*"''Sore ha sakoku datta no ka?''" ("Was that Sakoku?"), in ''Rekishi chiri kyôiku - tokushû: atarashii sakoku no mikata, manabikata'' ("History geography education - special edition: a new way of seeing, learning, 'sakoku'"), 1997.<!--「それは『鎖国』だったのか?」『歴史地理教育-特集:新しい「鎖国」の見方・学び方』、1997年10月-->
*"''Kinsei daimyô no kan'i jonin katei''" ("The process of appointments to court rank of early modern daimyô"), in ''Nihon rekishi'' (Japan History), No. 577, 1996.<!--「近世大名の官位叙任過程」『日本歴史』577号、1996年6月-->
*"''Kansei-Bunka ki no taigai kankei''" ("Foreign relations of the Kansei through Bunka eras"), in ''Atarashii kinseishi 5 kokka to taigai kankei'' ("New Early Modern History; Foreign Relations with Five Countries"), Shinjinbutsu ôraisha, 1996.<!--「寛政~文化期の対外関係」『新しい近世史5国家と対外関係』新人物往来社、1996年6月-->
*"''Tsushima, Edo, Pusan - Tenmei 5nen, Sô Isaburô kyûshi ikken wo megutte''" ("Tsushima, Edo, Pusan - the 1785 incident of the sudden death of Sô Isaburô"), in Tanaka Takeo (ed.), ''Zen kindai no Nihon to higashi ajia'' ("Japan and East Asia before the Modern Period"), Yoshikawa kôbunkan, 1995.<!--「対馬・江戸・釜山ー天明五年、宗猪三郎急死一件をめぐってー」田中健夫編『前近代の日本と東アジア』吉川弘文館、1995年1月-->
*"''Man'en gannen, Tsushima han ni yoru Chôsen he no Shikoku tsûshô kokuchi ikken''" (The 1860 Korea Shikoku commerce announcement incident, by way of Tsushima Domain), in ''19 seiki no sekai to Yokohama'' ("Yokohama and the world of the 19th century"), Yamakawa shuppan, 1993.<!--「万延元年、対馬藩による朝鮮への四国通商告知一件」『一九世紀の世界と横浜』山川出版社、1993年3月-->
*"''Kinsei Nihon no kokkyô''" ("The Borders of Early Modern Japan"), in ''Kokusai kôryû'' ("International Exchange") No. 59, 1992.<!--「近世日本の『国境』」『国際交流』59号、1992年9月-->
*"''Kinsei Nicchô kankei no kôzô - Nicchô kankei to Tsushima han''" ("The structure of early modern Japan-Korea relations - Japan-Korea relations and Tsushima Domain"), in ''Nikkan no kôryû to hikaku - rekishi to genzai'' ("Proceedings of University of Tokyo and Seoul University First Joint Symposium: Japan-Korea Exchange and Comparisons, History and Today"), 1992.<!--「近世日朝関係の構造-日朝関係と対馬藩-」『東京大学・ソウル大学校第一回シンポジウム報告書・日韓の交流と比較-歴史と現在』、1992年9月-->
*"''Kinsei Nihon no yotsu no kuchi''" ("The four "mouths" [gates] of early modern Japan"), in ''Ajia no naka no Nihonshi II: gaikô to sensô'' ("Japanese History within Asia II: Diplomacy and War"), Tokyo University Press, 1992.<!--「近世日本の四つの『口』」『アジアのなかの日本史Ⅱ・外交と戦争』東京大学出版会、1992年7月-->
*"''Rôjû hôsho wo meguru kobunshogaku-teki kenkyû ni tsuite''" ("On research in the mode of the study of historical documents, especially ''hôsho'' issued by shogunate elders"), in ''Kinsei bakufu monjo no kobunshogaku-teki kenkyû'' ("The Research in the style of the study of historical documents, of early modern shogunate documents"), Ministry of Education, 1992.<!--「老中奉書をめぐる古文書学的研究について」『文部省科研費成果報告書・近世幕府文書の古文書学的研究』、1992年2月-->
*"''Kinsei Nicchô bôeki to Nicchô sesshoku no tokushitsu''" ("Early modern Japan-Korea commerce, and the special features of Japan-Korea contact"), in ''Rekishi hyôron'' ("History Critique"), no. 481, 1990.<!--「近世日朝貿易と日朝接触の特質」『歴史評論』481号、1990年5月-->

==External Links==
*[ Professor Tsuruta's personal webpage at U. of Tokyo] - incl. link to considerable collection of data on the [[Ryukyu Kingdom|Ryûkyû Kingdom]] as seen in the ''[[Tsuko ichiran|Tsûkô ichiran]]''

==Notes & References==



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