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*''Dates: [[1271]]-[[1368]]''
*''Chinese/Japanese'': 元 ''(Yuan / Gen)''

The [[Mongols|Mongol]] Yuan Dynasty was the first foreign dynasty to rule over all of China. Founded by [[Kubilai Khan]] in [[1271]], the Yuan took [[Hangzhou]] (the capital of the [[Southern Song Dynasty]]) in [[1276]], and had complete control of China by [[1279]]. The dynasty eventually fell to a peasant rebellion, the [[Han Chinese]] leader of which then established the [[Ming Dynasty]] in [[1368]].

The Yuan Court established a new capital at Dadu; this marks the origins of the city that is later renamed [[Beijing]]. The Court maintained various elements of the nomadic Mongol traditions and identity, while also adopting many elements of Chinese culture and ways of doing things. The dynasty enforced a system of tiers of status based on ethnicity, with Mongols at the top, other nomadic peoples next, followed by Han Chinese from northern China, and then, on the bottom, Han Chinese from southern China, who comprised roughly 80 percent of the population of the Yuan Empire. Han Chinese throughout the empire were forbidden from riding horses, possessing firearms, speaking the Mongol language, or intermarrying with Mongols. The dynasty practiced considerable religious tolerance, however; Tibetan Buddhism was adopted as the religion of the Court and of the state, but Nestorian Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other religions were well tolerated within the empire.

A system of so-called tax farmers (local or regional intermediaries who collected taxes on behalf of the central government) was established, along with an extensive communication system based around a network of post-towns. Metal or wooden paiza tablets ("Mongol passports") were required for one to be permitted use of the inns, supplies, and horses at these post-towns.

{| border="3" align="center"
|- align="center"
|width="32%"|Preceded by:<br>'''[[Southern Song Dynasty]]'''
|width="35%"|'''Song Dynasty'''<br> [[1271]]-[[1368]]
|width="32%"|Succeeded by:<br>'''[[Ming Dynasty]]'''

[[Category:Historical Periods]]


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