Urushibara Mokuchu

"Stonehenge by Night" by Urushibara
  • Born: 1888
  • Died: 1953
  • Japanese: 漆原木虫 (Urushibara Mokuchuu)

Urushibara Mokuchû was a woodblock print artist who resided in England for a time in the 1910s.

Urushibara first traveled to England to demonstrate woodblock print techniques at the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition. He remained in England afterward, and worked for a time at the British Museum, where he produced a woodblock print reproduction of the Admonitions Scroll, among other works. He later also collaborated with Anglo-Welsh painter Frank Brangwyn, producing color woodblock prints based on Brangwyn's watercolors.


  • Gallery labels, British Museum.[1][2]