Ogimachi Naoko

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  • Died: 1856/7/6
  • Titles: 藤大納言 (Tôdainagon), 藤大納言局 (Tôdainagon no tsubone)
  • Other Names: 新待賢門院 (Shin taiken mon in)
  • Japanese: 正親町 雅子 (Ougimachi Naoko)

Ôgimachi Naoko, also known as Shintaikenmon-in, was an imperial consort to Emperor Ninkô and mother of Emperor Kômei.

A daughter of Ôgimachi Sanemitsu, she was granted the title of Tôdainagon or Tôdainagon-no-tsubone, and in 1849 was granted the honorary Buddhist name Shintaiken-mon-in. In 1850, she was named Sangû (or Jusangû), and was elevated to the Junior Third Rank.

She died on 1856/7/6 and was buried at Sennyû-ji in Kyoto.


  • Ishin Shiryô Kôyô 維新史料綱要, vol 1 (1937), 160, 207, 242.
  • Ishin Shiryô Kôyô 維新史料綱要, vol 2 (1937), 211, 217.