Kamei Korenori

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Korenori assumed the name Kamei as a young man as that Amako retainer family had been left without an heir after the death of Kamei Hidetsuna in battle with the Môri. Korenori joined Yamanaka Shikanosuke (to whom he was connected by virtue of marrying the younger sister of Shikanosuke's wife) in fighting to revive the fortunes of the Amako (who had fallen to the Môri in 1566). When the Amako cause finally died (along with Amako Katsuhisa and, later, Shikanosuke) with the fall of Kozuki castle in 1578, Korenori became a retainer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He received Shikano castle in Inaba province and participated in the Kyushu Campaign (1587). He supported Tokugawa Ieyasu's cause during the Sekigahara Campaign and afterwards saw his income increased from 13,000 koku to 43,000 koku.
