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*''Reign: [[1221]]/4/20 - 7/09''
*''Japanese'': 仲恭天皇 ''(Chuukyou tennou)''
Emperor Chûkyô was the first son of [[Emperor Juntoku]]. He reigned briefly, for only a few months in [[1221]].
Chûkyô ascended to the throne late in the 4th month of 1221, upon Juntoku's abdication. Several months later, however, after his grandfather, [[Emperor Go-Toba]], led forces against the [[Kamakura shogunate]] in the [[Jokyu Disturbance|Jôkyû Disturbance]] and was defeated, Chûkyô was forced to abdicate the throne in favor of [[Emperor Go-Horikawa]], and exiled along with his father to [[Sado Island]].
[[Category:Kamakura Period]]