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Copied from Bio. Dict.
* ''Born: [[1576]]''
* ''Died: [[1638]]''
* ''Sons: [[Shimazu Tadayuki]]''
* ''Titles: Chûnagon, Satsuma no kami, Ôsumi no kami''
* ''Other names: Iehisa, Matsudaira Iehisa''
* ''Distinction: Lord of [[Satsuma province|Satsuma]], [[Osumi province|Ôsumi]], and [[Hyuga province|Hyûga]]''

Tadatsune was the 3rd son of [[Shimazu Yoshihiro]]. He became the [[daimyo|daimyô]] of the [[Shimazu clan|Shimazu]] following his family's involvement in the [[Sekigahara Campaign]] and went to [[Edo]] in [[1603]] to personally pledge his loyalty to [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]]. He received the character 'Ie' from [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]] and surname [[Matsudaira]]. He led troops at the [[Osaka Winter Campaign]] and was on his way to join the [[Osaka Summer Campaign]] with 13,000 troops but arrived after the castle had fallen. He won favor with the [[Tokugawa Bakufu]] in [[1609]] by sending an expedition to [[Okinawa]] that resulted in the king of that island being brought to Edo and tribute given. He received the title Chûnagon in [[1626]].


[[Category:Samurai]][[Category:Sengoku Period]]


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