Oshikochi no Mitsune
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A portrait of Ôshikôchi as part of a full set of portraits of the Sanjûrokkasen long held by the Tenmangû Shrine in Moriyama, Shiga prefecture
- Japanese: 凡河内躬恒 (Ooshikouchi no Mitsune)
Ôshikôchi no Mitsune was a 9th-10th century poet. He is known for his poems in the Kokinshû and as one of the "36 Poetry Immortals" (Sanjûrokkasen). He held positions of Izumi no gonnojô and Awaji no gonnojô.
- Gallery labels, Nakasendô Kaidô Bunka Kôryûkan, Moriyama, Shiga.[1]