
434 bytes added ,  20:04, 28 December 2015
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9th century text that explains the origins of prominent, important families.  
*''Date: [[815]]''
*''Japanese'': 新撰姓氏録 ''(shinsen shoujiroku)''
The ''Shinsen shôjiroku'' ("New Compilation of Family Registers") was compiled in [[815]], and collects records of the genealogies of the elite families. Over one third of courtier (''[[kuge]]'') families included in the compilation are revealed to possess at least some foreign (typically Chinese or Korean) ancestry.
*Gary Leupp, ''Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900'', A&C Black (2003), 52.
[[Category:Heian Period]]
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