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Tadatsune (now known as Iehisa) thus became the first [[Edo period]] lord of [[Satsuma han]]; he requested, and received, permission to [[Invasion of Ryukyu|invade the Ryûkyû Kingdom]], and did so in [[1609]].
Tadatsune (now known as Iehisa) thus became the first [[Edo period]] lord of [[Satsuma han]]; he requested, and received, permission to [[Invasion of Ryukyu|invade the Ryûkyû Kingdom]], and did so in [[1609]].
He led troops at the [[Osaka Winter Campaign]] and was on his way to join the [[Osaka Summer Campaign]] with 13,000 troops but arrived after the castle had fallen. He won favor with the [[Tokugawa Bakufu]] in [[1609]] by sending an expedition to [[kingdom of Ryukyu|Okinawa]] that resulted in the king of that island being brought to Edo and tribute given. He received the title Chûnagon in [[1626]].
He led troops at the [[Osaka Winter Campaign]] and was on his way to join the [[Osaka Summer Campaign]] with 13,000 troops but arrived after the castle had fallen. He won favor with the [[Tokugawa Bakufu]] in [[1609]] by sending an expedition to [[kingdom of Ryukyu|Okinawa]] that resulted in the king of that island being brought to Edo and tribute given.
Iehisa rose through the [[court ranks]] over the course of his career; in [[1599]] he held the title of [[ritsuryo|Minor Captain]] (少将, ''shôshô'') and the Lower Senior Fourth Rank. He was named Royal Advisor and concurrently Middle Captain (参議兼中将) in [[1617]], and was then raised to the title of ''Chûnagon'' and to the Junior Third Rank in [[1626]].<ref>Kamiya Nobuyuki, ''Ryûkyû to Nihon, Chûgoku'' 琉球と日本・中国, Yamakawa Shuppansha (2008), 62.</ref>
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