745 bytes added
, 9 March
*''Died: [[1316]]''
*''Japanese'': [[宇都宮]] 貞綱 ''(Utsunomiya Sadatsuna)''
Utsunomiya Sadatsuna was the 8th lord of [[Utsunomiya castle]].
Born around [[1264]], at around the age of 16 he led troops as a general in fighting off the second [[Mongol Invasions|Mongol invasion]] in [[1281]].
Later in life, he took the tonsure, taking on the monastic names Renshô 蓮昇 and Kôzenji 興禅寺. He and his second son (and successor as lord of the castle) [[Utsunomiya Kintsuna]] are buried at [[Kozen-ji|Kôzen-ji]] temple in [[Utsunomiya]] City.
*Plaques on-site at Kôzen-ji temple, Utsunomiya.[https://www.flickr.com/photos/toranosuke/54287891858/sizes/k/]
[[Category:Kamakura Period]]