
958 bytes added ,  13:16, 20 March 2012
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[[Image:Junenji.jpg|right|thumb|300px|The main hall at Jûnen-ji.]]
*''Established: [[1431]], [[Prince Shinna]]''
*''Japanese'': 十念寺 ''(Juunen-ji)''

Jûnenji is a [[Jodo-shu|Jôdo-shû]] Buddhist temple in [[Kyoto|Kyoto's]] Teramachi district. It was founded in [[1431]] by [[Prince Shinna]], son of [[Emperor Go-Kameyama]], on the orders of [[Shogun]] [[Ashikaga Yoshinori]], and was moved to its current location by [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] in [[1591]].

The main hall, built in 1993 and designed by a monk from [[Isshin-ji]] in [[Osaka]], is rather distinctive in style, incorporating traditional forms with post-modern elements. It houses a statue of [[Amida|Amida Nyorai]] which is said to date back to the [[Heian period]], and to have previously stood at [[Ungoji]] in Higashiyama.

A number of prominent historical figures are buried there, most famous among them being Ashikaga Yoshinori.

*Plaques on-site.

