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Hôreki 14 (宝暦十四年) / Meiwa 1 (明和元年)

Timeline of 1764

  • 1764/1/20 (Korean calendar) After sailing through the Inland Sea, the Korean embassy to Edo arrives at Osaka.
  • 1764/2/16 (Kor.) Korean embassy arrives in Edo, and stays for twenty-four days.
  • 1764/7/8 (Kor.) Korean embassy to Edo returns to Seoul.

Other Events of 1764

  • Ryukyuan embassy journeys to Edo.
  • Korean embassy journeys to Edo for the last time. (One later mission, in 1811, goes only as far as Tsushima han.) The entourage consists of 498 people, and the journey takes 382 days in total.

Births and Deaths

Previous Year
1764 Following Year