
Revision as of 07:40, 1 February 2007 by Shikisoku (talk | contribs)

I wasn't sure if all of these books were references for this article, or just some of them - Shikisoku, do you think you can check the sources listed in the article, and remove any you didn't use for this specific article? Thanks --Kitsuno 09:39, 2 November 2006 (PST)

Basically I looked all the books except "Hijikata Toshizo"(deleted). And I used google and for "Fiction" section. Is that OK? --Shikisoku 02:19, 4 November 2006 (PST)

Numbered list of rules

I've changed the format for the numbered list of rules. Does it look ok to you guys? Nagaeyari 22:16, 5 January 2007 (PST)

lunar calendar

Seven wrote:why don't we just say that he died on 5/30 (lunar calendar)?

Then we may have to rewrite whole S-A wiki. So let's wait Kistuno's decision.--Shikisoku 17:36, 12 January 2007 (PST)

In this case, I was referring to your(?) "Okita Soji died of Tuberculosis just a month after Kondo's death."
In 1868, April was the intercalary month. Kondou died on 05/17/1868 (04/25 lunar calendar) and Okita died on 07/19/1868 (05/30 lunar calendar).
If we called 5/30 a month after 4/25, what would we call intercalary 4/30? Seven 17:45, 12 January 2007 (PST)

I confirmed the month had Uruu. --Shikisoku 17:50, 12 January 2007 (PST)

All dates on this wiki are considered lunar dates unless otherwise noted, otherwise we'd have to go through and write (lunar month) thousands of times. No need. In some cases (for example, most of the Shinsengumi biographies) I have the lunar dates first, followed by the western dates. --Kitsuno 20:06, 12 January 2007 (PST)
Again, in this case, I was only referring to Okita Soji died of Tuberculosis just a month after Kondo's death. Nothing more! (I brought up the Gregorian dates to show there were 2 months between Kondo's death and Okita's death.) Seven 20:32, 12 January 2007 (PST)

Plans to edit sections 1-3 of the Shinsengumi page

All, on Saturday afternoon (Jan 28), while killing time at Narita before my flight, I plan to start editing sections 1-3 of the Shinsengumi page. My edits will not do anything to the excellent information that has been posted unless I find issue with anything. I intend to add a little stylistic flair to the prose. While my Obenjo persona clowns around quite a bit on the forum, I assure alll taht there will be a no-nonsense approach to my contributions as I view the SA Wiki as a serious academic under-taking that reflects on all of us.

I plan to have my first round of edits completed on Sunday (Jan 29) as I will basically have a free day. If I do add any new factual data or make any edits to the excellent factual details that have already been posted, a list of these changes will be summarized in the change box.

Please keep an eye on the Shinsengumi page and give me CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.


--Obenjo Kusanosuke 05:54, 24 January 2007 (PST)

I plan on reformatting the "captains" section (the list), so leave that for now. And make sure to add your source if you add any new info (into the "references" section). Also, feel free to join the Shinsengumi Task Force --Kitsuno 10:03, 24 January 2007 (PST)

Added Roshigumi Intro

I wrote an intro that explains the rationale behind the formation of the Roshigumi. Please let me know what you think.--Obenjo Kusanosuke 10:23, 31 January 2007 (PST)

Like I mentioned in the PM, I think it would serve better as the main article for the actual Roshigumi entry, and just shorten it up as as a basic intro for the shinsengumi article. Good stuff! --Kitsuno 10:44, 31 January 2007 (PST)

Thank you Mr Obenjo! If my article doesn't match with your article, you can modify it.--Shikisoku 03:57, 1 February 2007 (PST)

Formal name

This issue is not only Shinsengumi category. Seven just added full name on Serizawa Kamo. I would like to say it's formal name.(If any better translation please post here) The name as a court noble.(朝臣としての正式な名のり)

  • From Serizawa Kamo"(His full name was Serizawa Kamo Taira no Mitsumoto.) "
  • From J-wiki:「芹沢氏は常陸国芹沢村(現茨城県行方市)の芹沢城主の流れを汲む上席郷士であり、平姓で、平氏の中の板東平氏の一族で、常陸平氏の大掾氏一族の平清幹、平成幹の後裔。諱は光幹であり、芹沢鴨の朝臣としての正式な名のりは「平光幹(たいら・の・みつもと)」。」

The formal names are usually "Taira no something" "Fujiwara no something" "Minamoto no something". For example, Oda Nobunaga's formal name was Taira no Nobunaga. Tokugawa Ieyasu was Fujiwara no Ieyasu but he changed to Minamoto no Ieyasu later. But as we know, the names were rarely used on historical records and history books. So I have avoided to add the names. If we decide to add the names, small change may be needed to The official biography format.

  • Born:
  • Died:
  • Titles:
  • Childhood Name: Kipposhi
  • Formal Name
  • Japanese:
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