Kin Ryosho

  • Born: 1908/3/8
  • Died: 1993/1/7
  • Japanese: 金武良章 (Kin Ryoushou)

Kin Ryôshô was a master of Ryukyuan dance and kumi odori.

Born in Shuri, he received training from Yomitanzan peechin and other masters who had served during the time of the Ryûkyû Kingdom, performing dance and theater to welcome Chinese investiture envoys. While kumi udui and Ryukyuan dance changed with the times in Okinawa, Kin Ryôshô transmitted his teachings - an accurate recreation of "authentic" "traditional" court forms best as he could remember them - to students in Hawaii, who continue his legacy today.


  • Charlene Gima, "Sustaining Tradition through Change in Shuri-Style Kumiwudui," EWC International Conference in Okinawa, Sept 2014.
  • "Kin Ryôshô," Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia, Ryukyu Shimpo, 1 March 2003.