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**Brother of Yoshiie, helped him in his wars in [[Mutsu province]]
**Brother of Yoshiie, helped him in his wars in [[Mutsu province]]
*[[Minamoto no Tameyoshi]]- 源為義 (1096-1156)
*[[Minamoto no Tameyoshi]]- 源為義 (1096-1156)
**Granson of Yoshitsuna. During the [[Hogen disburbance|Hôgen disburbance]] he fought against [[Taira no Kiyomori]] and was put to death.
**Granson of Yoshitsuna. During the [[Hogen Disturbance|Hôgen Disturbance]] he fought against [[Taira no Kiyomori]] and was put to death.
*[[Minamoto no Yorimasa]] 源頼政(1106-1180)
*[[Minamoto no Yorimasa]] 源頼政(1106-1180)
**Supporter of [[Emperor Go-Shirakawa]]; fought against Taira Kiyomori.
**Supporter of [[Emperor Go-Shirakawa]]; fought against Taira Kiyomori.
*[[Minamoto no Yoshitomo]] 源義朝(1123-1160)
*[[Minamoto no Yoshitomo]] 源義朝(1123-1160)
**Son of Tameyoshi; during the Hôgen disburbance fought for Taira Kiyomori against the other Minamotos, but fought against him in the [[Heiji disburbance|Heiji disburbance]] and was killed.
**Son of Tameyoshi; during the Hôgen disturbance fought for Taira Kiyomori against the other Minamotos, but fought against him in the [[Heiji Disturbance|Heiji Disturbance]] and was killed.
*[[Minamoto no Yoshikata]] 源義賢(d. 1155)
*[[Minamoto no Yoshikata]] 源義賢(d. 1155)
**Son of Tameyoshi; was killed in the Hôgen disburbance by Yoshihira.
**Son of Tameyoshi; was killed in the Hôgen Disturbance by Yoshihira.
*[[Minamoto no Yukiie]] 源行家(d. 1186)
*[[Minamoto no Yukiie]] 源行家(d. 1186)
**Son of Tameyoshi; first supported Yoritomo, but then sided with Yoshitsune and was killed.
**Son of Tameyoshi; first supported Yoritomo, but then sided with Yoshitsune and was killed.
*[[Minamoto no Yoshihira]] 源義平(1140-1160)
*[[Minamoto no Yoshihira]] 源義平(1140-1160)
**Eldest son of Yoshitomo; fought with his father in the Hôgen and Heiji disburbances, but was executed after the Heiji disburbance.
**Eldest son of Yoshitomo; fought with his father in the Hôgen and Heiji Disturbances, but was executed after the Heiji Disturbance.
*[[Minamoto no Yoritomo]]- 源頼朝 (1147-1199)
*[[Minamoto no Yoritomo]]- 源頼朝 (1147-1199)
**Son of Yoshitomo, destroyed the Taira and established the Kamakura shogunate.
**Son of Yoshitomo, destroyed the Taira and established the Kamakura shogunate.


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