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1,353 bytes added ,  21:06, 18 December 2019
Created page with "*''Titles'': 織部 ''(Oribe)'', 織部正 ''(Oribe no shô)'' *''Other Names'': 利煕 ''(Toshihiro)'' *''Japanese'': 利忠 ''(Hori Toshitada)'' Hori Toshitada was ..."
*''Titles'': 織部 ''(Oribe)'', 織部正 ''(Oribe no shô)''
*''Other Names'': 利煕 ''(Toshihiro)''
*''Japanese'': [[堀]] 利忠 ''(Hori Toshitada)''

Hori Toshitada was a [[Bakumatsu]] era [[Tokugawa shogunate]] official.

He was reassigned from Kachigashira to [[metsuke]] on [[1853]]/5/14, and then to ''Kaibô kakari'' (an official assigned to matters of coastal defense) a few weeks later, on 6/7. During the remainder of that year, he engaged in a number of activities related to coastal defense, including overseeing the production of cannon and large oceangoing vessels and submitting his opinions to the shogunate regarding whether or not to exchange formal diplomatic letters with the United States.

On [[1854]]/1/22, he and [[Kanjo bugyo|Kanjô ginmiyaku]] [[Muragaki Norimasa]] were assigned ''Matsumae Ezo Yôkakari'' (officials assigned to matters in [[Ezo]]/[[Matsumae han|Matsumae]], i.e. [[Hokkaido|Hokkaidô]]). He continued to participate in discussions and activities otherwise pertaining to coastal defense and interactions with the [[Commodore Perry|United States]] until his departure from [[Edo]] for Ezo two months later, on 3/27.


*Ishin Shiryô Kôyô 維新史料綱要, vol 1 (1937), 413, 424, 456, 468, 476, 501, 537, 550, 553, 558, 564, 573, 576.



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