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  • Born: 1557
  • Died: 1582
  • Title: Jô no suke

Nobutada was the eldest son of Nobunaga. He fought in many of his father's campaigns once he had come of age, and by 1575 was trusted to lead on his own. He was responsible for bringing down the Takeda's Iwamura castle in 1575 in a two-part siege and later joined Tsutsui Junkei in forcing Matsunaga Hisahide to commit suicide in 1577 at Shigizan. In 1582 he led an army into Shinano as part of the invasion of the Takeda lands and besieged Takato castle. He was in Kyoto when Akechi Mitsuhide rose against his father and killed him at the Honnoji. Nobutada was surrounded at Nijô castle and committed suicide.