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  • Born: 1975
  • Japanese: 渡辺 美季 (Watanabe Miki)

Watanabe Miki is Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo (Komaba campus, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture), specializing in the history of early modern Ryûkyû, and Ryûkyû's relations with China and Japan. She holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo.

Selected Bibliography


  • 2012: Kinsei Ryûkyû to Chûnichi kankei 近世琉球と中日関係 ("Early Modern Ryukyu and Relations with China & Japan"), Yoshikawa Kôbunkan

Co-Written Volumes

  • 2014: Okinawa no suichû bunka isan - aoi umi ni shizunda rekishi no kakera 沖縄の水中文化遺産 -青い海に沈んだ歴史のカケラ- (with Miyagi Hiroki and Katagiri Chiaki), Nansei shotô suichû bunka isan kenkyûkai.


  • 2011: Ryûkyû ôkoku no jigazô - kinsei Okinawa shisôshi 琉球王国の自画像 -近世沖縄思想史-, Pelican-sha (translation of Gregory Smits, Visions of Ryukyu, UH Press (1999))

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

In English

  • “The Creators and Historical Context of the Oldest Maps of the Ryukyu Kingdom,” in Kären Wigen (ed.), Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps, 2016.
  • "An International Maritime Trader - Torihara Sôan: The Agent for Tokugawa Ieyasu's First Negotiations with Ming China, 1600." in Angela Schottenhammer (ed.) The East Asian Mediterranean: Maritime Crossroads of Culture, Commerce and Human Migration. Harrassowitz-Verlag, 2009. pp169-176.
  • “‘The Border of Japan’ for Chinese Arrivals in Nagasaki, Satsuma, and Ryukyu.” Itinerario 37, no. 3 (December 2013): 30–38.

In Japanese

  • “Concealing Ryukyu-Japanese Relations from Qing China and the Problems of Castaways” 清に対する琉日関係の隠蔽と漂着問題, Shigaku Zasshi 114:11 (November 2005): 1801-1835.
  • "Qing China as seen from Ryûkyû" 琉球から見た清朝, in Okada Hidehiro (ed.), Shinchô to ha nani ka 清朝とは何か, Fujiwara Shoten (2009), 254-261.
  • "The Invasion of Ryukyu and Ming-Japan Relations" 琉球侵攻と日明間系, Tôyôshi Kenkyû 68:3 (2009), 94-127.
  • “Notes on the Invasion of the Ryukyu Kingdom.” Shien 70, no. 2 (March 2010): 75–80.
  • “On Documents Related to Japan and Ryukyu among Ming Literati Collections and Qing Archives in Taiwan.” 東京大学史料編纂所研究紀要 16 (March 2006): 135–47.
  • “Ryukyuan or Japanese? ” 琉球人か倭人か, Shigaku Zasshi 116, no. 10 (October 2007): 1593–1628.

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