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While Korea, Ryûkyû, and Vietnam formed the core of the Sinocentric tribute network, and along with Japan the countries within the region of strongest Chinese cultural influence, the Chinese tribute trade also had significant impacts on a half-dozen or so Southeast Asian polities. The ports of Thang-long in Vietnam, Aceh (Sumatra), Bantam (Java), and Makassar (Sulawesi), along with the Siamese royal capital of Ayutthaya, were all sizable communities of at least 100,000 inhabitants each, and all were vibrantly multi-cultural, multi-ethnic ports, highly active in the regional maritime trade. Through the impact of the Chinese trade, along with other factors, all of these areas saw considerable commercialization and monetization of their local economies in the 15th-17th centuries. The most rapid growth came circa 1570-1630, coinciding with the peak of [[Nihonmachi|Japanese maritime activity in the region]], and of high seas competition between the [[VOC|Dutch]], [[EIC|English]], Spanish, and Portuguese.<ref>Kang, David C. “Hierarchy in Asian International Relations: 1300-1900.” ''Asian Security'' 1, no. 1 (2005): 59.</ref>
While Korea, Ryûkyû, and Vietnam formed the core of the Sinocentric tribute network, and along with Japan the countries within the region of strongest Chinese cultural influence, the Chinese tribute trade also had significant impacts on a half-dozen or so Southeast Asian polities. The ports of Thang-long in Vietnam, Aceh (Sumatra), Bantam (Java), and Makassar (Sulawesi), along with the Siamese royal capital of Ayutthaya, were all sizable communities of at least 100,000 inhabitants each, and all were vibrantly multi-cultural, multi-ethnic ports, highly active in the regional maritime trade. Through the impact of the Chinese trade, along with other factors, all of these areas saw considerable commercialization and monetization of their local economies in the 15th-17th centuries. The most rapid growth came circa 1570-1630, coinciding with the peak of [[Nihonmachi|Japanese maritime activity in the region]], and of high seas competition between the [[VOC|Dutch]], [[EIC|English]], Spanish, and Portuguese.<ref>Kang, David C. “Hierarchy in Asian International Relations: 1300-1900.” ''Asian Security'' 1, no. 1 (2005): 59.</ref>
Tribute missions were permitted on a regular, but limited schedule, thus limiting all official (legal) trade as well. For the most part, Korea and Ryûkyû were permitted to send missions once every two years; at times, for various political reasons, this was changed to once every three years. Similarly, Muromachi Japan was permitted, at times, to send missions only once every ten years; Japan sent 17 missions over a nearly 150-year period from [[1404]] to [[1547]] under the ''[[kango boeki|kangô bôeki]]'' system.<ref>Kang, David C. “Hierarchy and Legitimacy in International Systems: The Tribute System in Early Modern East Asia.” ''Security Studies'' 19, no. 4 (2010): 604.</ref> The tribute system was managed by a Maritime Trade Office, or ''[[shibosi]]'' (市舶司); originally there was only one such office, but before long ''shibosi'' offices were established in the major ports of [[Fuzhou]], [[Quanzhou]], [[Ningpo]] and [[Guangzhou]].<ref name=schott14/> In total, tribute missions from Ryûkyû appear in the ''[[Ming shi]]'' (Official History of Ming) 171 times, nearly doubly as often as the 89 missions from Korea, and far outnumbering tribute missions from any other polity.<ref name=kuninda>Gallery labels, "Kuninda - Ryûkyû to Chûgoku no kakehashi," special exhibit, Okinawa Prefectural Museum, Sept 2014.</ref>
Tribute missions were permitted on a regular, but limited schedule, thus limiting all official (legal) trade as well. For the most part, Korea and Ryûkyû were permitted to send missions once every two years; at times, for various political reasons, this was changed to once every three years. Similarly, Muromachi Japan was permitted, at times, to send missions only once every ten years; Japan sent 17 missions over a nearly 150-year period from [[1404]] to [[1547]] under the ''[[kango boeki|kangô bôeki]]'' system.<ref>Kang, David C. “Hierarchy and Legitimacy in International Systems: The Tribute System in Early Modern East Asia.” ''Security Studies'' 19, no. 4 (2010): 604.</ref> The tribute system was managed by a Maritime Trade Office, or ''[[shibosi]]'' (市舶司); originally there was only one such office, but before long ''shibosi'' offices were established in the major ports of [[Fuzhou]], [[Quanzhou]], [[Ningpo]] and [[Guangzhou]].<ref name=schott14/> While in [[1372]] the [[Hongwu Emperor]] limited tribute embassies from all countries to being dispatched only once every three years, an exception was made for Ryûkyû. The various Ryukyuan kings were told in [[1382]] that they were permitted to send as many tributary embassies as they wished; further, they were not limited to particular ports (as embassies from other countries were), were permitted to authorize their own embassies, and were provided with [[kaisen|ocean-going vessels]] and personnel to effect the successful organization and transportation of the tribute missions. Some 57 embassies were dispatched from Ryûkyû between 1372 and [[1398]], an average of two per year.<ref name=smits65>Gregory Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', University of Hawaii Press (2019), 65.</ref> Even after embassies from Ryûkyû were restricted to one a year in [[1440]], and then to one every other year, Ryûkyû remained one of the most active tributaries.<ref>Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', 68.</ref> In total, tribute missions from Ryûkyû appear in the ''[[Ming shi]]'' (Official History of Ming) 171 times, nearly doubly as often as the 89 missions from Korea, and far outnumbering tribute missions from any other polity.<ref name=kuninda>Gallery labels, "Kuninda - Ryûkyû to Chûgoku no kakehashi," special exhibit, Okinawa Prefectural Museum, Sept 2014.</ref> [[Gregory Smits]] suggests that this rather generous treatment was extended to Ryûkyû in an effort to reduce ''[[wako|wakô]]'' activity by making legitimate trade more appealing than smuggling or piracy, and at the same time to make Ryûkyû an active transshipment hub bringing Japanese and Southeast Asian products into Chinese markets despite the Ming ban on direct (Chinese) trade with such regions.<ref name=smits65/> Though restrictions were eventually imposed upon Ryûkyû, bringing it more in line with Ming/Qing treatment of Korea and other tributaries, Ryûkyû remained an active tributary into the 1870s.
Foreign ships were required to send a certain portion of their cargoes as tribute, and a portion of their personnel as envoys, to the Imperial capital, though the remainder of the cargo could be sold privately, that is, independently, for profit, by the foreigners, or by the Chinese port officials on the foreigners' behalf. The Ming court paid for travel expenses, often providing horses and ships, but limited missions to 150 people.
Foreign ships were required to send a certain portion of their cargoes as tribute, and a portion of their personnel as envoys, to the Imperial capital, though the remainder of the cargo could be sold privately, that is, independently, for profit, by the foreigners, or by the Chinese port officials on the foreigners' behalf. The Ming court paid for travel expenses, often providing horses and ships, but limited missions to 150 people.
Korea generally sent gold, silver, skins (especially leopard and sea otter), brushes, paper, ginseng, and silks, woven mats, and other kinds of textiles. Items such as cattle, horses, cotton, grain, pepper, materials for making weapons and gunpowder (e.g. sulphur), as well as human slaves, young girls, and eunuchs, were often requested by the Ming Court. In return, Korea obtained a variety of goods including silks, jades, medicinal products, musical instruments, books, and [[dragon robe]]s.<ref name=schottenhammer556>Schottenhammer, "East Asian Maritime World," 55-56.</ref>
Korea generally sent gold, silver, skins (especially leopard and sea otter), brushes, paper, ginseng, and silks, woven mats, and other kinds of textiles. Items such as cattle, horses, cotton, grain, pepper, materials for making weapons and [[gunpowder]] (e.g. [[sulphur]]), as well as human slaves, young girls, and eunuchs, were often requested by the Ming Court. In return, Korea obtained a variety of goods including silks, jades, medicinal products, musical instruments, books, and [[dragon robe]]s.<ref name=schottenhammer556>Schottenhammer, "East Asian Maritime World," 55-56.</ref>
Tributary missions typically brought a considerable volume of goods, especially local products, to offer to the Chinese emperor as tribute, receiving a great volume of gifts in return; they were then, typically, in addition, permitted to engage in private trade, both in Beijing, and in other ports along their way home. Both the gifts "bestowed" upon the foreigners in gifts, and the private trade, could be quite lucrative. Private trade conducted in conjunction with a tribute mission often yielded two or three times the normal market price. In this way, tribute trade was able to serve as the only official trade with China. Still, unofficial trade was rampant throughout the period, and at times, the Ming Court even relaxed its policies, in recognition of the great demand for trade. Beginning in [[1509]], the emperor allowed ships from tributary states to trade at Guangzhou, even outside of their designated years. From [[1567]], Chinese merchants engaged in trade in Southeast Asian ports could operate in a particular port in [[Fujian province]] opened that year to such business.<ref>Lloyd Eastman, ''Family, Fields, and Ancestors: Constancy and Change in China's Social and Economic History, 1550-1949'', Oxford University Press (1988), 123-124.</ref>
Tributary missions typically brought a considerable volume of goods, especially local products, to offer to the Chinese emperor as tribute, receiving a great volume of gifts in return; they were then, typically, in addition, permitted to engage in private trade, both in Beijing, and in other ports along their way home. Both the gifts "bestowed" upon the foreigners in gifts, and the private trade, could be quite lucrative. Private trade conducted in conjunction with a tribute mission often yielded two or three times the normal market price. In this way, tribute trade was able to serve as the only official trade with China. Still, unofficial trade was rampant throughout the period, and at times, the Ming Court even relaxed its policies, in recognition of the great demand for trade. Beginning in [[1509]], the emperor allowed ships from tributary states to trade at Guangzhou, even outside of their designated years. From [[1567]], Chinese merchants engaged in trade in Southeast Asian ports could operate in a particular port in [[Fujian province]] opened that year to such business.<ref>Lloyd Eastman, ''Family, Fields, and Ancestors: Constancy and Change in China's Social and Economic History, 1550-1949'', Oxford University Press (1988), 123-124.</ref>
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Japan is rarely discussed as requesting, or exacting, tribute out of neighboring polities in the way that China did; this is presumably largely because most of those neighboring polities, including Korea and Ryûkyû, were already Chinese tributaries. The Japanese did try, however, in some periods, to craft a Japan-centric world order after the Chinese model, and to exact tribute from others, presenting an image of itself to the world as a nation to which others pay tribute.
Japan is rarely discussed as requesting, or exacting, tribute out of neighboring polities in the way that China did; this is presumably largely because most of those neighboring polities, including Korea and Ryûkyû, were already Chinese tributaries. The Japanese did try, however, in some periods, to craft a Japan-centric world order after the Chinese model, and to exact tribute from others, presenting an image of itself to the world as a nation to which others pay tribute.
In the [[Yamato period]], and into the [[Nara period]], Japan did in fact receive tribute from outlying regions, such as from the Ryukyuan islands of [[Tanegashima]], the [[Amami Islands]], [[Tokunoshima]], and [[Yakushima]] since at least [[616]] if not earlier,<ref>Yokoyama Manabu 横山学, ''Ryûkyû koku shisetsu torai no kenkyû'' 琉球国使節渡来の研究, Tokyo: Yoshikawa kôbunkan (1987), 51.</ref> and from the [[Hayato]], a people of southern Kyushu outside of the boundaries of the Yamato state. Korea sent tribute to Japan as well, in this early period; we have the example of Kim Chhyun-chhyu, who gifted a peacock and a parrot to the court in [[647]]. Polities based in the Japanese archipelago may have paid tribute to Korean or Chinese polities in ancient times as well, such as in the case of the state of [[Na]], which is said to have sent tribute to Han Dynasty China in the year [[57]].
In the [[Yamato period]], and into the [[Nara period]], Japan did in fact receive tribute from outlying regions, such as from the Ryukyuan islands of [[Tanegashima]], the [[Amami Islands]], [[Tokunoshima]], and [[Yakushima]] since at least [[616]] if not earlier,<ref>Yokoyama Manabu 横山学, ''Ryûkyû koku shisetsu torai no kenkyû'' 琉球国使節渡来の研究, Tokyo: Yoshikawa kôbunkan (1987), 51.</ref> and from the [[Hayato]], a people of southern Kyushu outside of the boundaries of the Yamato state. Korea sent tribute to Japan as well, in this early period; we have the example of Kim Chhyun-chhyu, who gifted a peacock and a parrot to the court in [[647]]. Polities based in the Japanese archipelago may have paid tribute to Korean or Chinese polities in ancient times as well, such as in the case of the state of [[Na]], which is said to have sent tribute to Han Dynasty China in the year [[57]]. Scholars such as Richard von Glahn identify the treatment of foreign merchants by the [[Heian period|Heian court]] as resembling tribute trade; Chinese, Korean, and other foreign merchants were provided housing at that time at the [[Korokan|Kôrokan]], a lavish guesthouse in [[Hakata]] overseen by the [[Dazaifu]], and were forbidden from traveling deeper into Japanese territory. They delivered a certain amount of goods ("tribute") which was taken by Dazaifu officials to [[Heian-kyo|Heian-kyô]], and then afterwards were permitted to engage in trade locally in Hakata, at prices negotiated with the court, much like tributary missions to China both at that time and in later centuries.<ref>Richard von Glahn, "The Ningbo-Hakata Merchant Network and the Reorientation of East Asian Maritime Trade, 1150-1350," ''Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies'' 74:2 (2014), 266.</ref>
Japan also received tribute from Ryûkyû, Korea, the [[Dutch East India Company|Dutch]] and the [[Ainu]] during the [[Edo Period]]. These took the forms of formal missions to Edo performed by [[Ryukyuan embassy|Ryukyuan]] and [[Korean embassy|Korean envoys]] on the occasion of the accession of a new shogun, or of a new king of Ryûkyû or Korea; Ainu chiefs met with the lords of the [[Matsumae clan]] on occasion, though it has been argued that the Ainu did not perceive these meetings to be acts of subordination, nor the gifts they brought to be "tribute" per se. Still, the Ainu of [[Sakhalin]] are said to have paid tribute to the samurai [[Takeda Nobuhiro]] and his descendants for a time, beginning in [[1475]]. Similarly, representatives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) made journeys to Edo on occasion, but they too are not likely to have seen these journeys, and gift-exchanges with the shogun, as acts of subordination or as payment of tribute. Tribute or taxes were also paid by Ryûkyû to [[Satsuma han]].
Japan also received tribute from Ryûkyû, Korea, the [[Dutch East India Company|Dutch]] and the [[Ainu]] during the [[Edo Period]]. These took the forms of formal missions to Edo performed by [[Ryukyuan embassy|Ryukyuan]] and [[Korean embassy|Korean envoys]] on the occasion of the accession of a new shogun, or of a new king of Ryûkyû or Korea; Ainu chiefs met with the lords of the [[Matsumae clan]] on occasion, though it has been argued that the Ainu did not perceive these meetings to be acts of subordination, nor the gifts they brought to be "tribute" per se. Still, the Ainu of [[Sakhalin]] are said to have paid tribute to the samurai [[Takeda Nobuhiro]] and his descendants for a time, beginning in [[1475]]. Similarly, representatives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) made journeys to Edo on occasion, but they too are not likely to have seen these journeys, and gift-exchanges with the shogun, as acts of subordination or as payment of tribute. Tribute or taxes were also paid by Ryûkyû to [[Satsuma han]].
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Prior to the unification of [[Okinawa Island]] and the establishment of the Kingdom, China received tribute from three separate Okinawan polities. [[Chuzan|Chûzan]], the kingdom which controlled the central areas of the island, conquered the other two kingdoms in [[1419]]-[[1429]]. In the intervening time, Chûzan sent 52 missions to China beginning in [[1372]], [[Nanzan]] sent nineteen, beginning in [[1380]], and [[Hokuzan]] sent nine beginning in [[1383]], all of them vying as well for official recognition from the Ming Court as the only rightful king of Okinawa. For about a hundred years, until [[1474]], China placed no restrictions on the frequency of Ryukyuan tribute missions - the Okinawan kingdoms were the only ones to enjoy such a privilege.<ref>Akamine Mamoru, Lina Terrell (trans.), Robert Huey (ed.), ''The Ryukyu Kingdom: Cornerstone of East Asia'', University of Hawaii Press (2017), 6.</ref>
Prior to the unification of [[Okinawa Island]] and the establishment of the Kingdom, China received tribute from three separate Okinawan polities. [[Chuzan|Chûzan]], the kingdom which controlled the central areas of the island, conquered the other two kingdoms in [[1419]]-[[1429]]. In the intervening time, Chûzan sent 52 missions to China beginning in [[1372]], [[Nanzan]] sent nineteen, beginning in [[1380]], and [[Hokuzan]] sent nine beginning in [[1383]], all of them vying as well for official recognition from the Ming Court as the only rightful king of Okinawa. For about a hundred years, until [[1474]], China placed no restrictions on the frequency of Ryukyuan tribute missions - the Okinawan kingdoms were the only ones to enjoy such a privilege.<ref>Akamine Mamoru, Lina Terrell (trans.), Robert Huey (ed.), ''The Ryukyu Kingdom: Cornerstone of East Asia'', University of Hawaii Press (2017), 6.</ref>
From 1474 onward, the Ming court placed restrictions on the size and frequency of Ryûkyû's tribute missions. For the next four hundred years, the kingdom generally sent tribute once every two years, though the pattern changed at times along with shifts in Chinese politics. After repeated Ryukyuan petitions, the Ming allowed the kingdom to send missions annually beginning in [[1507]], but required the kingdom to return to sending missions only every two years beginning in [[1521]].<ref name=tanaka>Tanaka Takeo, "Japan's Relations with Overseas Countries," in John Whitney Hall and Toyoda Takeshi (eds.) ''Japan in the Muromachi Age'', Cornell University East Asia Program (2001), 159-178.; Akamine, 100.</ref> Similarly, in the wake of the [[1609]] [[invasion of Ryukyu|invasion of Ryûkyû]] by forces from [[Satsuma han]], Beijing restricted Ryûkyû's missions to coming once every ten years; however, from [[1633]] the kingdom was once again permitted to send missions every other year.<ref>Akamine, 100-101.</ref> Special missions were sent following the [[Chinese investiture envoys|investiture]] of a new king of Ryûkyû, to express gratitude for imperial grace (C: 謝恩, ''xiè'ēn''), and following the accession of a new emperor to the Chinese throne, to offer congratulations (C: 慶賀, ''qìnghè'').<ref name=schott176>Schottenhammer, "Empire and Periphery?", 176.</ref>
From 1474 onward, the Ming court placed restrictions on the size and frequency of Ryûkyû's tribute missions. For the next four hundred years, the kingdom generally sent tribute once every two years, though the pattern changed at times along with shifts in Chinese politics. After repeated Ryukyuan petitions, the Ming allowed the kingdom to send missions annually beginning in [[1507]], but required the kingdom to return to sending missions only every two years beginning in [[1521]].<ref name=tanaka>Tanaka Takeo, "Japan's Relations with Overseas Countries," in John Whitney Hall and Toyoda Takeshi (eds.) ''Japan in the Muromachi Age'', Cornell University East Asia Program (2001), 159-178.; Akamine, 100.</ref> Similarly, in the wake of the [[1609]] [[invasion of Ryukyu|invasion of Ryûkyû]] by forces from [[Satsuma han]], Beijing restricted Ryûkyû's missions to coming once every ten years; however, from [[1633]] the kingdom was once again permitted to send missions every other year.<ref>Akamine, 100-101.</ref> Special missions were sent following the [[investiture]] of a new king of Ryûkyû, to express gratitude for imperial grace (C: 謝恩, ''xiè'ēn''), and following the accession of a new emperor to the Chinese throne, to offer congratulations (C: 慶賀, ''qìnghè'').<ref name=schott176>Schottenhammer, "Empire and Periphery?", 176.</ref>
Tribute was sent in a variety of forms, including [[Ryukyuan horses]], [[sulphur]], [[salt]], [[lacquerware]]s, sword-polishing stones, and cowhides, and Southeast Asian goods including sappanwood, frankincense, other aromatic woods & incenses, pepper, rhino horn, and other animal products. Ryukyuan ships sent to China were known as ''shinkôsen'' (進貢船, "tribute ships"); trading ships accompanying the embassy vessels were known as ''sekkôsen'' (接貢船).<ref>This term was also used for Ryukyuan officials traveling to Fuzhou to meet investiture envoys, to then travel with them back to Ryûkyû. As the Court granted Ryûkyû tax exemptions for trade performed by these ''sekkôsen'' (C: ''jiē gòng chuán''), they were used as trading vessels at that time as well. Schottenhammer, "Empire and Periphery?," 176, 181. The practice of sending ''sekkôsen'' in the intervening years to retrieve the previous year's envoys (and, incidentally, to engage in trade) was permitted by the Qing Court beginning in [[1678]]. Akamine, 74.</ref> While hosting Chinese envoys was quite expensive for the kingdom, the interaction was beneficial for the kingdom, which generally received more in gifts from China than it gave in tribute.<ref>Gregory Smits, "Ryukyu and its Geo-cultural Context," presentation at Parades & Processions Joint Event, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 10 Feb 2013.</ref>
Tribute was sent in a variety of forms, including [[Ryukyuan horses]], [[sulphur]], [[salt]], [[lacquerware]]s, sword-polishing stones, and cowhides, and Southeast Asian goods including sappanwood, frankincense, other aromatic woods & incenses, pepper, rhino horn, and other animal products. Ryukyuan ships sent to China were known as ''shinkôsen'' (進貢船, "tribute ships"); trading ships accompanying the embassy vessels were known as ''sekkôsen'' (接貢船).<ref>This term was also used for Ryukyuan officials traveling to Fuzhou to meet [[Chinese investiture envoys|investiture envoys]], to then travel with them back to Ryûkyû. As the Court granted Ryûkyû tax exemptions for trade performed by these ''sekkôsen'' (C: ''jiē gòng chuán''), they were used as trading vessels at that time as well. Schottenhammer, "Empire and Periphery?," 176, 181. The practice of sending ''sekkôsen'' in the intervening years to retrieve the previous year's envoys (and, incidentally, to engage in trade) was permitted by the Qing Court beginning in [[1678]]. Akamine, 74.</ref> While hosting Chinese envoys was quite expensive for the kingdom, the interaction was beneficial for the kingdom, which generally received more in gifts from China than it gave in tribute.<ref>Gregory Smits, "Ryukyu and its Geo-cultural Context," presentation at Parades & Processions Joint Event, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 10 Feb 2013.</ref>
For a time, the Ryûkyû Kingdom also sent tribute to the [[Ashikaga Bakufu|Ashikaga shogunate]] once every three or four years. Tribute and trade goods carried by these ships included [[currency|Chinese copper coins]], wine, <i>nanban</i> silks, aloe, sappanwood, and other scented and medicinal products, many of them obtained from Southeast Asian ports or from Iberian traders.<ref name=tanaka/>
For a time, the Ryûkyû Kingdom also sent tribute to the [[Ashikaga Bakufu|Ashikaga shogunate]] once every three or four years. Tribute and trade goods carried by these ships included [[currency|Chinese copper coins]], wine, <i>nanban</i> silks, aloe, sappanwood, and other scented and medicinal products, many of them obtained from Southeast Asian ports or from Iberian traders.<ref name=tanaka/>


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