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Historian Joan R. Piggott translates fûdoki (風土紀) as "regional gazetteers," but the less practical and most literal translation of "Records of Wind and Earth" is also seen in academic circles.

Extant Fûdoki

The following fûdoki are extant:

  • Bungo fûdoki
  • Hitachi fûdoki
  • Harima fûdoki
  • Izumo fûdoki
  • Hizen fûdoki
  • Higo fûdoki

There is some discrepancy in the number and titles of remaining fûdoki, in that Piggott lists all the above except the Bungo fûdoki as being extant. However, an impressive work by Michiko Y. Aoki has all the above fûdoki including the Bungo text translated into English. However, it is missing the Higo text. The Cambridge History of Japan Volume One: Ancient Japan helps put some closure to this issue:

"Only the Izumo fûdoki survives intact; the gazetteers of Harima, Bungo, Hitachi, and Hizen are partially preserved, and fragments of a number of others have come down thanks to being quoted in various works."

The mysterious "number of others," therefore, puts to rest this confusion over the discrepancies.