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[[File:Amami-islands.jpg|right|thumb|400px|A map of the Amami Islands on the bottom of a Sato no Akebono ''[[shochu|shôchû]]'' glass]]
*''Other Names'': 道之島 ''(michi no shima)''
*''Japanese'': 奄美諸島 ''(Amami shotou)''
*''Japanese'': 奄美諸島 ''(Amami shotou)''
The Amami Islands are a string of islands, [[Amami Oshima|Amami Ôshima]] the largest of them, strung between [[Kyushu]] and [[Okinawa Island|Okinawa]]. Geographically considered part of the [[Ryukyu Islands|Ryûkyû Islands]], and associated with the [[Ryukyu Kingdom|Ryûkyû Kingdom]] until [[Invasion of Ryukyu|1609]], the islands were at that time annexed by [[Satsuma han]], and remain a part of [[Kagoshima prefecture]] (not [[Okinawa prefecture]]) today. The islands maintain a distinctive culture, with strong similarities to Okinawan culture, but marked differences as well (see [[Amami music]]).
The Amami Islands are a string of islands, [[Amami Oshima|Amami Ôshima]] the largest of them, strung between [[Kyushu]] and [[Okinawa Island|Okinawa]]. Geographically considered part of the [[Ryukyu Islands|Ryûkyû Islands]], and associated with the [[Ryukyu Kingdom|Ryûkyû Kingdom]], the islands were invaded in [[1609]] and subsequently directly administered by [[Satsuma han]], and remain a part of [[Kagoshima prefecture]] (not [[Okinawa prefecture]]) today. The islands maintain a distinctive culture, with strong similarities to Okinawan culture, but marked differences as well (see [[Amami music]]).
The islands include Amami Ôshima, [[Kikaigashima]], [[Tokunoshima]], [[Okinoerabujima]], and [[Yoronjima]].
Amami Ôshima is said to have sent [[tribute]] to the [[Yamato state]] (i.e. Japan) as early as the year [[699]]. This can be presumed to have tapered off by the 11th or 12th century, if not earlier. Amami sent tribute however, to the Kingdom of [[Chuzan|Chûzan]], and later the Ryûkyû Kingdom (on Okinawa Island) from [[1266]] through the end of the 16th century; as with tribute received from the more southerly islands (the [[Yaeyama Islands|Yaeyamas]] and [[Miyako Islands|Miyako]]), tribute from Amami was received and stored at the port of [[Tomari]], just outside [[Naha]]. The Ryûkyû Kingdom did not, however, possess any true control over the Amami Islands at that time, and as late as the 16th century was engaged in military efforts to conquer these islands; as Ryûkyû moved north, and the [[Shimazu clan]] samurai of [[Satsuma province|Satsuma]] moved south, both seeking to extend their control into the Amamis, Ryûkyû and Satsuma clashed on a number of occasions. One such clash took place in [[1493]]; Amami Ôshima formally submitted to Ryûkyû's authority in [[1571]]. That same year, the Shimazu attacked the island as part of efforts to seize control over all of Ryûkyû.
Archaeological excavations have confirmed that most if not all of the Amami Islands were populated as early as several thousand years ago, during the [[Jomon period|Jômon period]]. Evidence has been found of pit dwellings and stone tools, and of other evidence of active communities on the islands.
Amami, [[Tanegashima]], and [[Yakushima]] may have sent [[tribute]] to the [[Yamato state]] as early as [[616]]; some sources suggest that individuals representing those islands received [[stipends]] from the imperial court as early as [[683]].<ref>Yokoyama Manabu 横山学, ''Ryûkyû koku shisetsu torai no kenkyû'' 琉球国使節渡来の研究, Tokyo: Yoshikawa kôbunkan (1987), 51.</ref><ref name=tatsugo>Gallery labels, Amami Tatsugô Shima Museum. Feb 2020.[]</ref>
Amami Ôshima is said to have sent [[tribute]] to the [[Yamato state]] (i.e. Japan) as early as the year [[699]]. This can be presumed to have tapered off by the 11th or 12th century, if not earlier. Amami sent tribute however, to the Kingdom of [[Chuzan|Chûzan]], and later the Ryûkyû Kingdom (on Okinawa Island) from [[1266]] through the end of the 16th century; as with tribute received from the more southerly islands (the [[Yaeyama Islands|Yaeyamas]] and [[Miyako Islands|Miyako]]), tribute from Amami was received and stored at the port of [[Tomari]], just outside [[Naha]]. The islands were often referred to collectively as ''michi no shima'' ("islands of the road") as they formed a path Ryukyuan ships followed to travel to and from Kyushu.
The Ryûkyû Kingdom did not, however, possess any true control over the Amami Islands at that time, and as late as the 16th century was engaged in military efforts to conquer these islands; as Ryûkyû moved north, and the [[Shimazu clan]] samurai of [[Satsuma province|Satsuma]] moved south, both seeking to extend their control into the Amamis, Ryûkyû and Satsuma clashed on a number of occasions. One such clash took place in [[1493]]; the ''[[Omoro soshi|Omoro sôshi]]'' describes the kingdom as attacking the islands during the reign of King [[Sho Shin|Shô Shin]] (r. [[1477]]-[[1526]]) and one particularly notable instance of rebellion against the kingdom's authority being led by [[Yuwan Ufunushi]] in [[1537]].<ref>Gallery labels, "Hokorasha Amami" ほこらしゃ奄美 special exhibition, Reimeikan Museum, Kagoshima. Nov 2021.</ref> Amami Ôshima formally submitted to Ryûkyû's authority in [[1571]]. That same year, the Shimazu attacked the island as part of efforts to seize control over all of Ryûkyû.
Satsuma succeeded in conquering the Amamis and Okinawa in 1609. Following its defeat, the Ryûkyû Kingdom was permitted to remain intact and quasi-independent. Okinawa and all the [[Sakishima Islands|islands to the south]] remained under the control of the kingdom, which paid taxes to Satsuma and was in certain other respects subordinated to Satsuma's control. Satsuma meanwhile implemented its own direct administration over the Amamis, but continued to regard the islands as part of the kingdom's territory.<ref name=akamine70>Akamine Mamoru, Lina Terrell (trans.), Robert Huey (ed.), ''The Ryukyu Kingdom: Cornerstone of East Asia'', University of Hawaii Press (2017), 69-70.</ref> Satsuma undertook land surveys in [[1621]], assessing the agricultural productivity of the land in order to calculate taxation rates. The Amamis were initially assessed at just over 51,756 ''[[koku]]'', a figure raised to 57,583 in the late 1650s or early 1660s.<ref>''Shimazu ke rekidai seido'' (vol. 14, item #803), ''Kagoshima ken shiryô: Satsuma han hôrei shiryô shû'' 1, Kagoshima: Reimeikan (2004), 510.</ref> However, in reports to the shogunate, Satsuma included the ''kokudaka'' of the Amamis in that of the Ryûkyû Kingdom, claiming a total ''kokudaka'' for the kingdom of 123,700 ''koku'', even though this included a mix of territories controlled by the kingdom, and by Satsuma.<ref name=akamine70/> The main agricultural products on the islands traditionally included rice, [[Satsumaimo]] (sweet potato), [[sugar]] cane, papaya, banana, and pineapple. ''[[Sotetsu]]'' (cycad) also grows naturally on the island. The Amamis are also known for their textiles, including especially Amami ''[[tsumugi]]'' (pongee). This ''tsumugi'', along with sugar, were the chief goods claimed by Satsuma in taxes.
Satsuma succeeded in conquering the Amamis and Okinawa in [[1609]]. Following its defeat, the Ryûkyû Kingdom was permitted to remain intact and quasi-independent. Okinawa and all the [[Sakishima Islands|islands to the south]] remained under the control of the kingdom, which paid taxes to Satsuma and was in certain other respects subordinated to Satsuma's control. The Amamis, meanwhile, were wholly incorporated into Satsuma's territory. Satsuma undertook land surveys in [[1621]], assessing the agricultural productivity of the land in order to calculate taxation rates. The main agricultural products on the islands traditionally included rice, [[Satsumaimo]] (sweet potato), sugar cane, papaya, banana, and pineapple. ''[[Sotetsu]]'' (cycad) also grows naturally on the island. The Amamis are also known for their textiles, including especially Amami ''[[tsumugi]]'' (pongee). This ''tsumugi'', along with sugar, were the chief goods claimed by Satsuma in taxes.
Over the course of the period, Satsuma emphasized the production of sugar on the islands, enacting various policies aimed at increasing the amount of sugar, a very lucrative product, it could extract from Amami. Islanders were required from [[1745]] onwards to pay their taxes in sugar instead of rice, a policy which effectively forced many, if not most, islanders to switch at least some of their time, effort, and land from growing rice and other food to subsist on, to growing and refining sugar cane. This resulted in severe difficulties for many families, who struggled at times to have enough to eat; in [[1755]], 3,000 people died of famine on Tokunoshima. Later, beginning in [[1787]], Satsuma put into place a system in which islanders could trade sugar for rice and other goods they needed. Though production was done entirely by islanders, who were not deprived of their land nor entered into slavery or indentured servitude, the extent of Satsuma's focus in these islands on maximizing outputs of a single product has led some historians to describe the system as "a structure of colonial extraction," drawing comparisons to British and American sugar plantation operations in the Caribbean and [[Japanese immigration to Hawaii|Hawaii]] respectively.<ref>Robert Hellyer, ''Defining Engagement'', Harvard University Press (2009), 95-96.</ref>
A samurai official known as a ''[[daikan]]'' served as the chief Satsuma official on Amami Ôshima, though the local elites or official structure were permitted to remain intact to some extent. These local Amami officials were banned from interacting with officials of the Ryûkyû Kingdom, beginning in [[1623]].
A samurai official known as a ''[[daikan]]'' served as the chief Satsuma official on Amami Ôshima, beginning in [[1613]]. At first, he was charged only with overseeing Ôshima and Kikaigashima. In [[1616]], his authority was extended to Tokunoshima, and in [[1690]] to encompass Okinoerabu and Yoronjima as well. In [[1693]], an additional ''daikansho'' (''daikan'' office) was established on Kikaigashima. Satsuma also dispatched ''yokome'', ''tsukeyaku'', and other officials to serve under the ''daikan''. Local elites or official structures, were permitted to remain intact to some extent, however, with Amami Islanders serving as ''yohito'', ''okite'', ''yokome'', and the like, organized according to ''[[magiri]]'' (traditional administrative districts), under the authority of the ''daikan''. All of these Satsuma officials initially served terms of two to three years; this was later extended to four year terms.<ref>Ono Masako, Tomita Chinatsu, Kanna Keiko, Taguchi Megumi, "Shiryô shôkai Kishi Akimasa bunko Satsuyû kikô," ''Shiryôhenshûshitsu kiyô'' 31 (2006), 244.</ref> These local Amami officials were banned from interacting with officials of the Ryûkyû Kingdom, beginning in [[1623]]. However, Ryûkyû or local Amami elites were seen as still possessing some residual rights or sovereignty throughout the period, and as late as the 1870s, there were steps taken to have the Ryukyuan royal family officially relinquish all claims to the islands.  
However, Ryûkyû or local Amami elites were seen as still possessing some residual rights or sovereignty, and as late as the 1870s, there were steps taken to have the Ryukyuan royal family officially relinquish all claims to the islands.
Following World War II, the Amami Islands were restored to Japanese sovereignty (ending the US Occupation in the islands) on December 25, 1953.<ref name=siddle>Richard Siddle, "Return to Uchinâ," in Siddle and Glenn Hook (eds.), ''Japan and Okinawa: Structure and Subjectivity'', Routledge Curzon (2002), 135.</ref>
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*Explanatory plaques on-site at [[Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum]].
*Explanatory plaques on-site at [[Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum]].
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