
  • Japanese: 湛水流 (Tansui-ryuu)

Tansui-ryû is considered the oldest still-active school of Okinawan uta-sanshin performance (i.e. song accompanied instrumentally on sanshin). It was founded by Tansui ueekata Kenchû in the 17th century; its repertoire consists of only seven pieces, but several of those are believed to be among the oldest extant pieces in the entire classical Okinawan repertoire.

The earliest extant notation for Tansui-ryû music, however, only dates back to the Meiji period, but overall the school is believed to be a rather conservative form compared to the other prominent schools of uta-sanshin. This means that the more complex, ornamental style of sanshin playing in Tansui-ryû reflects an older form of uta-sanshin, while the performance styles of the Nomura-ryû and Afuso-ryû schools represent a simplification in the instrumental portion that took place over the centuries.

The repertoire of the school consists of the pieces Chikuden bushi, Asato bushi, Shudun bushi, Janna bushi, Akachichi bushi, Haya chikuden bushi, and Age chikuden bushi.


  • Thompson, Robin. "The Music of Ryukyu." Ashgate Research Companion to Japanese Music. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2008. p312.
  • "Tansui-ryû." Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia 沖縄コンパクト事典. Ryukyu Shimpo. 1 March 2003.