
1,665 bytes added ,  14:19, 1 May 2012
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*''Built: [[1561]], [[Society of Jesus]]''
*''Rebuilt: [[1576]]''
*''Destroyed: [[1587]]''
*''Other Names'': 珊太満利亜上人の寺 ''(Santa Maria shounin no tera)''
*''Japanese'': 南蛮寺 ''(nanbanji)''

Nanban-ji was a [[Christianity|Christian]] chapel built by the [[Society of Jesus]] in [[Kyoto]] in [[1561]]. Its name literally means "Southern Barbarian Temple," as Europeans were at that time called "Southern Barbarians" (''[[Nanban]]'').

The temple became a center for Christian and European culture. The propagation of Christianity began to be conducted in earnest around [[1559]]; missionaries continued their efforts even while suffering persecution, and with the protection of [[Oda Nobunaga]], the number of their followers grew. In [[1576]], several hundred followers, with the support of the ''[[shoshidai]]'', [[Murai Sadakatsu]], had the old worship hall rebuilt, and on 7/16 held a mass to celebrate the completion of the new chapel. Nanbanji was then renamed to also be known as St. Mary's Temple.

However, in [[1587]]/6, after completing his [[Invasion of Kyushu]], [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] issued the first of his [[Christian Expulsion Edicts]], and the oppression of Christians saw a big turn. Nanbanji was destroyed, and never rebuilt.

*Plaque on-site.

==External Links==
*[,135.758104&spn=0.000601,0.000614&sll=35.018372,135.731292&sspn=0.1538,0.157242&t=h&hnear=Takoyakushicho,+Nakagyo+Ward,+Kyoto,+Kyoto+Prefecture,+Japan&z=20 The Former Site of Nanban-ji on Google Maps]

[[Category:Sengoku Period]]
