
743 bytes added ,  21:25, 13 July 2007
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* ''Birth: [[1511]]''
* ''Death: [[1566]]''
* ''Titles: Kawachi no kami''
* ''Distinction: [[Osumi province|Ôsumi]] warlord''

Kanetsugu was the son of [[Kimotsuke Kaneoki]]. He assumed leadership of his family in [[1533]] and was initially an ally of [[Shimazu Takahisa]], whom he assisted at the attack on Ichiki in [[1538]]. Kanetsugu later broke from the [[Shimazu clan|Shimazu]] and allied with the [[Ito clan|Itô]] of [[Hyuga province|Hyûga]]. In 1566 he was captured by the Shimazu and made to commit suicide. He was succeeded by his son [[Kimotsuki Yoshikane]], who was in turn succeeded by Kanetsugu's 2nd son, [[Kimotsuki Kaneaki]] ([[1558]]-[[1634]]).


[[Category:Samurai]][[Category:Sengoku Period]]