Hojo Tokimune (NHK Taiga Drama)
Show Information
Japanese Title: Hojo Tokimune
- Aired in Japan, 2001
- Language: Japanese
The 2001 NHK Taiga Drama follows the life of shikken Hojo Tokimune and his struggles with both inter-clan warfare and the attempted Mongol invasions of the 13th century.
Character List
- Hojo Tokimune (Izumi Motoya)
- Hojo Tokisuke (Watabe Atsuro)
- Hojo Tokiyori (Watanabe Ken)
- Hojo Masamura (Ito Shiro)
- Hojo Shigetoki (Hira Mikijiro)
- Adachi Yasumori (Yanagiba Toshiro)
- Ashikaga Yasuuji (Nishioka Tokuma)
- Ichijo Sanetsuna (Inoue Jun)
- Kublai Khan (Basen Zhabu)