Jôgan 9 (貞観九年)
Timeline of 867
- 2/13 Kokushi (provincial officials) are ordered to suppress the robber bands spreading across the country.
- 4/22 The government establishes "price-stabilizing granaries" (jôheisô, 常平倉) in the east and west parts of Heian-kyô, and sells government-owned rice in order to increase the available supply and lower prices.
- 5/10 The hoarding of coins (thus removing them from circulation) was banned outside of the Kinai.
- 11/10 Orders go out to authorities in the Nankai-dô and San'yô-dô regions to suppress pirates.
Other Events of 867
Births and Deaths
- 5/19 Dainagon Taira no Takamune dies.
- 10/4 Biwa player Fujiwara no Sadatoshi dies.
- 10/10 Fujiwara no Yoshimi dies (b. 813).
Previous Year 866 |
867 | Following Year 868 |