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Revision as of 15:44, 17 June 2007 by LordAmeth (talk | contribs)
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Since the "provinces" category encompases ancient areas and provinces, should this go there? I'm trying to decide, but if you forsee a lot of articles about different areas/islands of ryukyu, as well as a lot of people related to it, go ahead and create the "Ryukyu Kingom" article, and put it in the "locations" category. I think that should work - I don't like to go more than two levels with categories unless absolutely necessary, but putting Ryukyu Kingdom in "locations" should work fine - then you can put everything related to ryukyu into that category in addition to whatever biographical etc. category it goes into - for example, I think putting chuzan into "provinces" and into "Ryukyu Kingdom" would work - what do you think? Sorry it took me all night to think of that :D --Kitsuno 10:22, 17 June 2007 (PDT)

Yeah, Okinawa's kind of a funny one, since I'm sneaking it in here even though it wasn't part of Japan until 1609, and even then semi-independent until 1879. It's not really a province, so much as a vassal state, a separate kingdom unto itself (prior to that, three kingdoms), so I don't know if province really works. But if you're alright with "Okinawa" or "Ryukyu" being a high-level category, just below Locations, that might be best. We don't need to create another category for the Kingdom - Okinawa or Ryukyu ought to be broad enough to encompass it, as well as earlier and later developments. Thank you for your help. I'm going to go ahead and create a "Ryukyu" category. I think this is ultimately the best answer, as it'll cover the broadest periods of history, bboth before and after the Kingdom's time. LordAmeth 12:32, 17 June 2007 (PDT)
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