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Edo castle was the center of government for the [[Tokugawa shogunate]], and chief shogunal residence, during the [[Edo period]]. Since the [[Meiji period]], it has served as the [[Imperial Palace]].
Edo castle was the center of government for the [[Tokugawa shogunate]] during the accordingly-named [[Edo period]], and chief residence of the Tokugawa shoguns. Since the [[Meiji period]], the [[Tokyo Imperial Palace]] has been located on its grounds. While a number of the Edo period gates, walls, and such have survived, along with a few guardhouses and other structures, very little survives of the Edo period castle. The ''Honmaru'' has been left empty, and the ''Nishi-no-maru'' is now home to the central structures of the Imperial Palace.
[[File:Edo-jo-fukeizu-byobu.jpg|center|thumb|700px|Edo castle as seen on the ''Edojô tôjô fûkei zu byôbu'', Ôsuga Kiyomitsu, 1847. [[National Museum of Japanese History]].]]
First established by [[Ota Dokan|Ôta Dôkan]] in [[1457]], the castle was a secondary center of power within the Kantô, under [[Odawara castle]], through much of the [[Sengoku period]]. Following the [[Siege of Odawara|fall of Odawara]] in [[1590]], [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]] established [[Edo]] as his new center.
[[File:Edocastle-edozubyobu.jpg|right|thumb|400px|A detail of the ''Edo-zu byôbu'' showing Edo castle with its ''tenshu'', before the [[Great Meireki Fire]]]]
First established by [[Ota Dokan|Ôta Dôkan]] in [[1457]], the castle was a secondary center of power within the Kantô, under [[Odawara castle]], through much of the [[Sengoku period]]. Following the [[Siege of Odawara|fall of Odawara]] in [[1590]], [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]] established [[Edo]] as his new center. Ieyasu undertook extensive renovations beginning in [[1592]].<ref name=shimizu>Plaque on-site at the Tokyo Imperial Palace Shimizumon[].</ref>
The castle then became the center of shogunal residence & rule, from [[1603]] onwards. The castle grounds were expanded significantly, including the construction of complexes of moats and gates (including 36 ''mitsuke''<ref>Komabashiri Shôji 駒走昭二. ''Nihon kinsei seikatsu ehiki: Ryûkyûjin gyôretsu to Edo hen'' 日本近世生活絵引:琉球人行列と江戸編、Research Center for Nonwritten Cultural Materials, Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culture, Kanagawa University 神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所非文字資料研究センター (2020), 92.</ref>), such that they came to encompass an area roughly 181 acres in size<ref name=guth>Christine Guth, ''Art of Edo Japan'', Yale University Press (1996), 92.</ref> - twice the expanse of [[Osaka castle]], the next-largest castle compound in the archipelago.<ref name=fujitani40>Takashi Fujitani, ''Splendid Monarchy'', University of California Press (1996), 40.</ref> The outer moats (''gaikaku'') are said to have been some ten miles in length, and roughly 160 feet both wide and deep, while the inner moats (''naikaku'') encircled a perimeter about four miles around, and one mile across.<ref>Daniele Lauro, "Displaying authority: Guns, political legitimacy, and martial pageantry in Tokugawa Japan, 1600 - 1868," MA Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2013), 55.</ref> The various halls and palaces in the complex are said to have been able to house as many as 260 ''daimyô'' and 50,000 other warriors, if need be, in case the city came under attack.<ref name=guth/> The grand ''tenshukaku'' (tower keep), the tallest ever built in Japan at 58 meters high & five stories high from exterior view, was begun in [[1607]] and completed in [[1638]], following a series of repairs to the castle as a whole in [[1622]]. Standing some 84 meters above sea level, it was one of the tallest (highest) sights visible in the city - rivaled only by [[Mt. Fuji]].<ref name=guth/> The castle suffered severe damage from fire on a number of occasions, perhaps most grievously in the [[1657]] [[Great Meireki Fire]], when the ''tenshu'' (main keep) was destroyed; the ''tenshu'' was never rebuilt.
Another significant set of two fires took place in [[1863]], destroying the ''nishi-no-maru'', ''honmaru'', and ''ni-no-maru'' portions of the compound. The shogunate never replaced the ''honmaru'', which had up until then been the chief structure in the compound, housing the chief audience halls and administrative offices and meeting rooms, as well as the [[Ooku|Ôoku]]. Instead, for the final years of the [[Bakumatsu period]], the shogunate operated out of temporary structures hastily thrown up in the ''nishi-no-maru''.<ref name=fujitani40/>
The castle then became the center of shogunal residence & rule, from [[1603]] onwards. It suffered severe damage from fire on a number of occasions, perhaps most grievously in the [[1657]] [[Great Meireki Fire]], when the ''tenshu'' (main keep) was destroyed; the ''tenshu'' was never rebuilt.
===As Imperial Palace===
[[File:Nijubashi.jpg|right|320px|thumb|The famous Nijûbashi bridge, leading to the Seimon (Main Gate) of the Imperial Palace]]
The [[Meiji Emperor]] took up residence in these temporary ''nishi-no-maru'' structures beginning on [[1869]]/3/28. By that time, after a brief period of being officially designated Tokyo Castle (''Tôkyô-jô''),<ref>Fujitani, 168.</ref> the castle had already been renamed "imperial residence" (''kôkyo''), the most standard term used to refer to the Palace today as well; however, [[Fukuoka Takachika]], among other prominent members of the Court at that time, argue that as it was not designated ''kyûjô'' (宮城), it was not yet ''the'' (permanent/primary) Imperial Palace, but was only an ''[[anzaisho]]'', a temporary palace secondary to [[Kyoto Imperial Palace|that in Kyoto]], until the newly-built Palace was designated ''kyûjô'' in [[1889]].<ref>Fujitani, 36-37.</ref>
The government put in place plans as early as 1868 to begin (re)construction in the ''honmaru''. However, before work on that had begun, a fire broke out in the Momijiyama area of the castle grounds in the early morning hours of [[1873]]/5/5 and quickly spread, destroying much of the palace in only about three hours, including offices employed by the [[Imperial Household Ministry]] and Grand Council of State (''[[Dajokan|Dajôkan]]''). The Meiji Emperor and Empress, along with the [[Imperial regalia]] and the spirits of the Imperial ancestors, all escaped harm and the Imperial family and Imperial Household Ministry relocated later that same day to the [[Kishu Tokugawa Edo mansion|mansion]] of the [[Kishu Tokugawa clan|Kishû Tokugawa clan]], which was then dubbed the Akasaka Temporary Palace. The ''Dajôkan'' was removed to a different structure, which stood just outside the castle compound. The Imperial family remained at this Akasaka Temporary Palace until 1889, when the castle's reconstruction as the Tokyo Imperial Palace was complete.<ref>Fujitani, 40, 66-67.</ref> In the intervening time before reconstruction began, the area in and around the castle grounds became overgrown with vegetation, and overrun with wildlife including foxes and badgers. One former retainer of [[Satsuma han]] lamented that it was "unbearable to look at."<ref>Fujitani, 41.</ref>
The ''ôhiroma'' (great audience hall) was among the spaces closest to the entrance to the castle, and thus furthest from the center of the complex. It was used for audiences with foreign emissaries or powerful ''tozama daimyô'', and for other highly formal ceremonies. By contrast, the ''shiroshoin'' ("white study / writing room"), closer to the castle's interior, was used for audiences with ''fudai daimyô'' and the shogun's relatives, while the ''kuroshoin'' ("black study / writing room"), closer still to the interior, was used for meetings with the shogun's most trusted retainers and highest-ranking officials.
Of the eighteen smaller ''yagura'' (watch towers) which once stood on the grounds, three survive today: the Sakurada two-story tower (''Sakurada nijû yagura''), the Fushimi ''yagura'', and the Fujimi ''yagura''. The latter, the only three-story tower on the grounds, served as a replacement for the five-story ''tenshu'' keep which was destroyed in 1657. From this tower, one could see (''mi'') [[Mt. Fuji]]; the shogun also enjoyed the view of [[Edo Bay]], and of the [[Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival]] at [[Ryogoku|Ryôgoku]], from this tower.
===Gates & Guardhouses===
[[File:Sakuradamon.jpg|right|thumb|320px|The Sakuradamon of Edo castle, where [[Tairo|Tairô]] [[Ii Naosuke]] was assassinated in [[1860]]]]
[[File:Nakanogomon.jpg|right|thumb|320px|The remains of the Naka-no-gomon gate, with the [[Oban|Ôbansho]] (Great Guard guardhouse) just inside the gate]]
The Shimizumon 清水門, located in the northeastern corner of the Kitanomaru (North Bailey), is one of the castle's several ''masugata'' gates. It consists of an outer gate in the ''kôraimon'' style, dated to [[1658]], and designated an [[Important Cultural Property]], and an inner gate in the ''yagura-mon'' style, likely dating to 20th century repair efforts. The two are arranged at right angles to one another, forming a small square between them, with high stone walls, a defensive measure commonly seen at [[Azuchi-Momoyama period]] / Edo period castles.<ref name=shimizu/>
The Tayasumon 田安門, located on the northern side of the Kitanomaru, dates back to [[1635]] and is the oldest structure surviving on the castle grounds. A ''masugata'' gate, it consists of an outer ''kôraimon'' gate and an inner ''yagura-mon'' gate, situated at right angles to one another, and surrounded by tall stone walls. It was designated an Important Cultural Property in 1961.<ref>Plaque on-site at the Tayasu-mon.[]</ref>
On the northwest corner is the Inuimon 乾門, literally named for that corner on the wheel of the zodiac directions. This gate is today one of the main entrances for VIPs driving onto the palace grounds, and is heavily guarded.
Of the many guardhouses (''bansho'') which once stood within the grounds, three survive. The ''hyakunin bansho'', ''dôshin bansho'', and ''Ôbansho'' which survive today all stand between the Naka-no-mon and Chûjakumon gates. The Ôbansho was guarded by the higher-ranking guards (''[[yoriki]]'' and ''[[doshin|dôshin]]''), and was the chief guardhouse before the Chûjakumon, which led directly into the ''honmaru''.<ref>Plaques on-site at guardhouse.[]</ref> The guards of the ''Hyakunin bansho'' and ''Dôshin bansho'', meanwhile, were charged with the security of the area around the ''gejôba'' (the spot where most entering the castle were obliged to dismount), including the walkways from the Ôtemon to the Naka-no-mon.<ref>Yamamoto Hirofumi, ''Edo jidai - shogun bushi tachi no jitsuzô'', Tokyo shoseki (2008), 70.</ref>
The Naka-no-mon was rebuilt after the 1657 fire by [[Hosokawa Tsunatoshi]], lord of [[Kumamoto han]], and though damaged in a [[1703]] earthquake, it was restored the following year by [[Ikeda Yoshiyasu]].<ref>"Facts Revealed by Demolition Work," plaque on-site at Naka-no-mon.[]</ref> In the 1710s, shogunal advisor [[Arai Hakuseki]] had the Naka-no-gomon refashioned as the chief southern gate to the castle, in emulation of Chinese urban and palace design, in which the most important or "main" gates are to the south; he also had a lavish gate constructed at [[Shibaguchi Gate|Shiba-guchi]], to the south of the castle for this same purpose. However, after Hakuseki lost power around [[1716]], this newly ornate Naka-no-gomon was torn down.<ref>Watanabe Hiroshi 渡辺浩, “’Rei’ ‘Gobui’ ‘Miyabi’ – Tokugawa Seiken no girei to jugaku” 「『礼』『御武威』『雅び』-徳川政権の儀礼と儒学-」, in ''Kokusai kenkyû shûkai hôkokusho'' 国際研究集会報告書 vol 22, "Kuge to buke - sono hikaku bunmeishi-teki kenkyû" 公家と武家――その比較文明史的研究――, Kokusai Nihon Bunka Kenkyû Center 国際日本文化研究センター (2004), 171-172.</ref>
A gate known as the Onarimon, located to the south of the castle (just north of the modern-day location of [[Shinbashi Station]]) was closely associated with Saiwai-bashi bridge, and was used by the shogun when visiting the Tokugawa-associated temple [[Zojoji|Zôjô-ji]]. The gate was torn down in [[1902]]; as that particular set of moats was filled in at some point, the bridge is also no longer extant.<ref>Takatsu Takashi 高津孝, "Machi aruki Ryûkyûjin gyôretsu to Edo no machi" 「街歩き 琉球人行列と江戸の町」. ''Nihon kinsei seikatsu ehiki: Ryûkyûjin gyôretsu to Edo hen'' 日本近世生活絵引:琉球人行列と江戸編、Research Center for Nonwritten Cultural Materials, Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culture, Kanagawa University 神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所非文字資料研究センター (2020), 204.</ref>
The Ôtemon 大手門 was the main gate leading into the ''honmaru'' (central bailey) of the castle, where the majority of administrative and residential spaces were located. The Honmaru Goten, or Honmaru Palace, was divided into three sections: the ''omote'' or ''omote-muke'', containing reception rooms, audience halls, and administrative spaces; the ''nakaoku'', which served as the shogun's residence & housed his own personal administrative spaces; and the ''[[ooku|ôoku]]'', which housed the womens' quarters.
[[File:Matsunoroka-model.JPG|center|thumb|750px|A model of the ''Matsu-no-ôrôka'' (Great Hallway of Pines) connecting the ''Shiroshoin'' and ''Ôhiroma'' audience halls, on display at the Edo-Tokyo Museum]]
Low- to middle-ranking samurai were obliged to dismount from their horses or palanquins before passing over the bridge leading to the Ôtemon. Those granted an exception were known as ''jôyo ijô'' (乗輿以上, lit. "palanquin riders and up"), and included those over 500 ''koku'' in income, and those over fifty years of age. After passing through the Ôtemon, one would cross another bridge, then pass through another series of gates - the Ôtesan-no-mon, Chûnomon, and Chûjakumon - before coming to the entrance hall (''genkan'') of the ''honmaru'' palace. The highest-ranking visitors to the castle, including members of the ''[[Gosanke]]'' and the abbot of [[Nikko|Nikkô's]] [[Rinno-ji|Rinnô-ji]]<ref>A Buddhist temple associated with the Tokugawa's [[Nikko Toshogu|Nikkô Tôshôgû]] shrine, its head was typically an Imperial prince.</ref>, were permitted to remain in their palanquins up until the Chûnomon, where they too had to dismount. Beyond each of these two dismounting points, visitors were restricted in the size of entourage they could bring along with them. For example, a ''[[kunimochi]] daimyô'' such as the [[Shimazu clan]] lord of [[Satsuma han]] could only bring with him six samurai retainers, one sandal-bearer, two ''[[hasamibako]]'' (luggage) carriers, and four palanquin carriers (plus one umbrella bearer in case of rain)<ref>Nagai Hiroshi 永井博 (ed.), ''Sankin kôtai to daimyô gyôretsu'' 参勤交代と大名行列 (Tokyo: Yôsensha 洋泉社 MOOK, 2012), 47.</ref> past the Ôtemon, and then had to leave three of those samurai retainers, half the luggage carriers (along with the luggage itself), and all of the palanquin carriers (along with the palanquin) at the second dismounting point. Finally, upon reaching the entrance hall (''genkan''), even such a high-ranking ''daimyô'' as this would be forced to enter the castle alone. This was perhaps in part a security measure, but was also a great show of the shogun's power (to be able to require that of even such a powerful lord), and of the ''daimyô's'' acknowledgement of that power & authority, and willing submission to it. Lower-ranking ''daimyô'', as well as other official visitors to the castle, were restricted to even smaller entourages during this brief journey between the Ôtemon and the castle ''genkan''.<ref>Fukai Masaumi, ''Edo-jô wo yomu'', Harashobô (1997), 18-19.</ref>
Meanwhile, the remainder of a ''daimyô's'' entourage, those left behind outside the Ôtemon, were rather free in their activities as they waited for their lord to return. Many sprawled out and napped, while others gambled or the like. Though there were rules against [[tobacco|smoking]], on account of concerns about fire, this was not much enforced, and so smoking was quite common.<ref>Nagai, 46.</ref>
Upon entering the ''genkan'', one would turn left to enter the ''ôhiroma'' (大広間, great audience hall). Consisting of a number of connected rooms roughly 500 tatami mats in area,<ref name=fukai22>Fukai, ''Edo-jô wo yomu'', 22.</ref> in total, the ''ôhiroma''  was among the spaces closest to the entrance to the castle, and thus furthest from the center of the complex. It was used for audiences with foreign emissaries or powerful ''tozama daimyô'', and for other highly formal ceremonies.
Two "studies" (''shoin''), also used as audience halls, were located in the western part of the ''honmaru''. Known as the ''shiroshoin'' ("white study") and ''kuroshoin'' ("black study"), they lay on either side of an open garden (''nakaniwa''). The ''shiroshoin'', to the north of the ''ôhiroma'', was somewhat closer to the ''genkan'' than the ''kuroshoin'', and was used for more public/official meetings, while the ''kuroshoin'', located to the north of the ''shiroshoin'', deeper into the interior of the complex, was used for meetings on more everyday matters. The ''shiroshoin'', constructed in white wood, was divided into several rooms including the ''Teikan-no-ma'', covering in total around 300 tatami in area. The ''kuroshoin'', constructed in black lacquered wood, was similarly divided into several rooms, and covered a somewhat smaller 190 tatami or so.<ref>Arai Hakuseki, Joyce Ackroyd (trans.), ''Told Round a Brushwood Fire'', University of Tokyo Press (1979), 289n38.; Fukai, ''Edo-jô wo yomu'', 32-33.</ref> It was comprised of four rooms, surrounded by tatami-lined verandas. The upper and lower levels (''jôdan'' and ''gedan'') of the main section of the Kuroshoin were each 18 tatami in size; a 15-tatami ''irori-no-ma'' and 15-tatami ''Seiko-no-ma'' ("[[West Lake]] Room") comprised the remainder of the Kuroshoin. The 24-tatami Tamari-no-ma was attached.<ref>Fukai Masaumi 深井雅海, ''Tôken to kakutsuke'' 刀剣と格付け, Tokyo: Yoshikawa kôbunkan (2018), 73.</ref>
The ''shiroshoin'' was connected to the ''Ôhiroma'' by the ''Matsu-no-ôrôka'' ("Great Hallway of Pines"), the second-longest such hallway in the complex. This was the site of the famous [[1701]] attack by [[Asano Naganori]] against [[Kira Yoshinaka]] which precipitated the later attack on Kira's mansion by the [[47 Ronin]] (former retainers of Asano's, seeking revenge for Asano's execution).
[[File:Ohiroma.JPG|center|thumb|1000px|A model of the ''Ôhiroma'', Edo castle's largest audience hall, on display at the Edo-Tokyo Museum]]
The ''ôhiroma'' contained three platforms of different heights, called ''dan'', allowing the shogun to sit not only at a distance from his formal visitors, but also physically above them. These were arranged from north to south, with the shogun sitting in the north, facing south, much as the Chinese emperor did at [[Forbidden City|imperial palaces in China]].<ref>The shogun sat in the upper ''dan'', at the northern end of the hall, for special events including the reception of foreign or Imperial envoys, shogunal succession ceremonies, and certain portions of New Year's festivities, but for more regular occasions, the shogun often took a seat in the lower ''dan'', and faced east toward retainers seated in the ''ni-'' and ''san-no-ma''. ''Edojô: Shikai o shiroshimesu tenka no fujô'' 江戶城 : 四海をしろしめす天下の府城, Tokyo: Gakushû Kenkyûsha (1995), 120.</ref> Only the highest-ranking retainers and guests were permitted to sit within the ''ôhiroma'', and then only in certain ''dan'', in accordance with their rank. Wrapping around an inner garden, and thus forming a U-shape with the three ''dan'', were three antechambers, known respectively as the ''ni-'', ''san-'', and ''yon-no-ma''. The ''shiroshoin'' was arranged similarly, though on a smaller scale, with two ''dan'', two audience rooms, and two antechambers.<ref>Mitani, xxv.</ref> The far north wall of the Ôhiroma was adorned with a large painting of a pine tree, which would have appeared to canopy the shogun as he sat there in the upper ''dan''; the pine, being long-lived and evergreen, was meant to represent the eternal power of the shogunate. To the shogun's left (northeast corner of the hall) was a small set of doors, where he and others would enter and exit the room, as well as a small ''tokonoma'' filled with ''chigaidana'' for displaying various objects of seasonal or occasional significance. These doors were inconspicuously painted with birds sleeping on branches of ''nanten'' (nandina) flowers; ''nanten'' puns on 「難転」 (''nanten'', "turning away danger"), while the sleeping birds represent peace, such as the shogunate enforced throughout the realm.<ref>Timon Screech, ''Obtaining Images'', University of Hawaii Press (2012), 39-40, 45.</ref> This upper ''dan'', along with the rest of the hall, was adorned with a continuing composition of [[shochikubai|pines, bamboo, and plums]], and cranes and tortoises, all symbols of the strength and longevity of Tokugawa rule. The ceilings featured images of [[phoenixes]], various flowers, and a spiral design known as ''karakusa moyô'' (lit. "Chinese grasses design"). The entryways surrounding the hall also featured motifs of [[peonies]], ''[[kirin]]'', [[monkeys]] in snow, lions, and tigers by waterfalls. The ''ni-no-ma'' ("second room"), attached perpendicular to the main sections of the Great Audience Hall, featured a particularly large and impressive painting of a pine tree. Its trunk was located on the north wall, and its branches extended around to the sliding doors on both the east and west sides. Cranes and harvested fields appeared on the walls of the ''san-no-ma'' ("third room"), and the ''yon-no-ma'' ("fourth room") featured a wintry snow scene. Later attached rooms (''ato-no-ma'') featured spring and summer scenes. This entire program of paintings is believed to have been designed originally by [[Kano Tanyu|Kanô Tan'yû]], and was reproduced faithfully each time the palace burned down and was rebuilt.<ref>Chino Kaori 千野香織, “Edojō shōhekiga no shitae” 「江戸城障壁画の下絵」, in ''Shōgun no goten – Edojō shōhekiga no shitae'' 将軍の御殿-江戸城障壁画の下絵-, Nagoya: Tokugawa Art Museum (1988), 114-115.</ref>
''Daimyô'' and others were divided, by rank, into association with sixteen waiting rooms, where they would be escorted upon entering the ''honmaru'' palace, and where they would wait until they were called upon, e.g. in the case of coming up to the castle for a formal audience with the shogun.<ref>Gallery label, "[ Daimyô no kakushiki]," Edo-Tokyo Museum.; Yamamoto Hirofumi, ''Edo jidai - shôgun bushi tachi no jitsuzô'', Tokyo Shoseki (2008), 67.</ref> These room assignments were known as ''shikôseki'' 伺候席, or "seats [where one sat] in attendance." Though ''daimyô'' were called upon for their audiences in a set order in accordance with rank and status, they were not actually assigned seats within each of these waiting rooms; while waiting, they arranged themselves freely.<ref>Ogawa Kyôichi 小川恭一, ''Shogun omemie sahô'' 将軍お目見え作法, ''Tokyojin'' 東京人 (1995/1), 82.</ref> The shogun's ability to keep even powerful ''daimyô'' waiting, whether in these waiting rooms, or in the audience hall itself, further impressed upon the ''daimyô'' their submission to his power.<ref>Walthall, 342.</ref>
#Tenjô no ma: Envoys from the imperial court and from the kingdoms of [[Kingdom of Ryukyu|Ryukyu]] and [[Joseon]] (Korea) were given use of the ''Tenjô no ma'' as their waiting room.
#Ôrôka: Members of the ''gosanke'' and ''gosankyô'', along with four of the highest-ranking ''daimyô'' (incl. the [[Maeda clan]] of [[Kaga han]], [[Shimazu clan]] of [[Satsuma han]], and [[Matsudaira clan (Echizen)|Matsudaira clan]] of [[Fukui han]]) were associated with the ''Ôrôka'', or "great corridor." While the Gosanke lords had the ''Ôrôka ue no heya' (Great Corridor Upper Room) as their waiting room, the other lords associated with the Great Corridor used the ''Ôrôka shita no heya'' (Great Corridor Lower Room).<ref name=edotokyo>Gallery labels, Edo-Tokyo Museum.[]</ref>
#Tamari-no-ma: Collateral houses of the Tokugawa, typically known as ''shinpan'' or ''kamon'', including the various [[Matsudaira clan]] branch families of [[Aizu han]], [[Kuwana han]], and [[Takamatsu han]], sat with the [[Ii clan]] of [[Hikone han]] and up to six other ''fudai daimyô'' and ''rôjû'' in the ''tamari no ma'', adjacent to the ceremonial chambers, and closest of all the ''daimyô'' waiting rooms to the shogunal residence.
#Ôhiroma: Around thirty lords were associated with the audience hall itself. These included ''shinpan/kamon'' collateral families not included in the higher ranks, as well as ''tozama daimyô'' above 110,000 ''[[kokudaka|koku]]'', ''[[kunimochi]] daimyô'', and those of fourth-rank and above.<ref name=edotokyo/>
#Teikan no ma: Roughly sixty ''fudai'' and ''jun-fudai'' (semi- or quasi-''fudai'') clans were associated with the Teikan-no-ma, a room located within the ''shiroshoin'' and decorated with images of the "Mirror of the Emperors" (''teikan''). These included the [[Okubo clan|Ôkubo]] of [[Odawara han]], [[Toda clan|Toda]] of [[Ogaki han|Ôgaki]], and the [[Yanagisawa clan|Yanagisawa]] of [[Yamatokoriyama han]].
#Yanagi no ma: ''Daimyô'' of the Fifth Rank,<ref name=edotokyo/> including branch houses of the clans associated with the Ôhiroma, along with ''tozama daimyô'' up to 100,000 ''koku'' in rank, were associated with the Yanagi-no-ma, a room decorated with paintings of willows (''yanagi''). This was the largest group of ''daimyô'', numbering nearly eighty families, half of whom would have been present in Edo at any given time.<ref>Ogawa, ''Shogun omemie sahô'', 79, 82.</ref>
#Gan no ma: Roughly forty<ref name=edotokyo/> ''fudai daimyô'' houses of castle-holding (''shiro-mochi'' or ''shiro-nushi'') rank and above were seated in the ''gan-no-ma'', a room located between the ''shiro'' and ''kuroshoin'', and decorated with paintings of geese (''gan''). The ''daimyô'' assigned to this waiting room were also known as the ''tsumeshû'', and as the ''oyakuke'' ("office houses"), the latter referring to the fact that the ''[[roju|rôjû]]'' and certain other top-ranking offices were selected from among these relatively low-ranking ''daimyô'' houses.<ref>Yamamoto Hirofumi, ''Edo jidai'', 67.</ref>
#Kiku no ma engawa: Roughly thirty<ref name=edotokyo/> ''Fudai daimyô'' houses not of castle-holding rank were seated in the veranda<ref name=edotokyo/> attached to the "chrysanthemum room," or ''kiku-no-ma'', a room located between the ''kari-no-ma'' and the ''shiroshoin''. These included the [[Ooka clan|Ôoka]] of [[Nishi-Ohira han|Nishi-Ôhira]], the [[Oseki clan|Ôseki]] of [[Kurobane han]], the [[Yamaguchi clan]] of [[Ushihisa han]], and the [[Tanuma clan]] of [[Sagara han]].
On special occasions, ''daimyô'' and others would be seated in and around the audience hall in accordance with their rankings by waiting room. To give an example, at the accession ceremony for Shogun [[Tokugawa Ietsugu]], held on [[1713]]/4/2, ''[[sobayonin|sobayônin]]'' [[Manabe Akifusa]] sat behind him in the upper ''dan'' of the ''ôhiroma'', along with a number of maids, and on the western side of the room, the [[Konoe family]] former regent and [[Kujo family|Kujô family]] General of the Left. Envoys from the Imperial court, from the Retired Emperor, and from the empress, sat on the western side of the middle ''dan'', and the ''[[Tairo|Tairô]]'' & ''[[kamon-no-kami]]'' (head of cleaning), a member of the [[Ii clan]], sat on the east side of the middle ''dan''. Four ''rôjû'' sat on the east side of the lower ''dan''. Members of the ''gosanke'', along with the ''wakadoshiyori'', sat in the veranda or corridor (''engawa'') on the west side of the middle ''dan'', while ''daimyô'' of the ''tamari-no-ma'' and ''[[koke|kôke]]'' (protocol chiefs) sat on the veranda to the west of the lower ''dan''. ''Kunimochi daimyô'' sat in the ''ni-no-ma''. Other ''daimyô'' sat in the ''san-no-ma'', and other officials in the ''yon-no-ma''.<ref>Fukai, ''Edo-jô wo yomu'', 26-27.</ref> This not only put the relative statuses of each of the ''daimyô'' on display for the shogun, but also for one another, such that each retainer not only witnessed the relative positions of those around him, but would have also felt his own position, keenly.<ref>Walthall, 336.</ref>
On occasions such as New Year's, members of the ''gosanke'', ''[[gosankyo|gosankyô]]'', and other shogunal relatives, along with others of the 4th rank and above, waited in various rooms of the castle and met with the shogun in the ''shiroshoin'' one at a time, to offer their New Year's greetings. Following these individual audiences, the shogun would move to the lower ''dan'' (''gedan'') of the ''ôhiroma'', and stand there as ''fusuma'' (sliding doors) were opened, allowing those of rank five and below, gathered in the ''ni-no-ma'', to be seen by the shogun; all those assembled then bowed low, performing their greetings to the shogun all at once.<ref name=fukai22/> ''Daimyô'' visited the castle on a number of occasions throughout the year, including New Year's and other [[gosekku|festival days]], at the times of their arrivals and departures from the city in connection with ''[[sankin kotai|sankin kôtai]]'' duties, and, regularly, twice a month. However, ''daimyô'' could not simply visit the castle as they wished, without special permission; even a son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, [[Tokugawa Yoshinao]], was rebuked for traveling to Edo and going up to the castle in [[1629]], when his grand-nephew, Shogun [[Tokugawa Iemitsu]], suddenly fell ill.<ref>Nagai, 126.</ref>
[[Korean embassies to Edo|Korean]], [[Ryukyuan embassies to Edo|Ryukyuan]], and [[Imperial envoys]] were received in the ''Tenjô-no-ma'' ("Hall of Aristocrats"), while additional rooms known as ''tôzamurai'' were used as waiting rooms for other guests.<ref>''[[Tokugawa reiten roku]]'' 徳川禮典録 (1889), reprinted Tokyo: Owari Tokugawa Reimeikai (1942), vol. 3, 307.; Yamamoto Hirofumi 山本博文, Edo jidai - shōgun bushi tachi no jitsuzō 江戸時代―将軍・武士たちの実像 (Tokyo: Tokyo shoseki, 2008), 70.; William Coaldrake, ''Architecture and Authority in Japan'', Routledge (1996), 145. The term ''tenjô'' 殿上 here was a term used in the Imperial Court to refer to those of high enough status to be permitted to step up (上) into the palace (殿), traditional Japanese buildings being elevated slightly above the ground, in contrast to ''jigenin'' 地下人, who were obliged to remain down (下) on the ground (地). Ninomiya Shigeaki, “An Inquiry Concerning the Origin, Development, and Present Situation of the Eta in Relation to the History of Social Classes in Japan,” ''Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan'', second series, vol. X (1933), 82.</ref>
The castle was guarded chiefly by the [[Koshôgumi]] (Inner Guard) and [[Shoinban]] (Bodyguards), who also defended the shogun himself when outside of the castle. Along with the [[Oban|Ôban]] (Great Guard) who patrolled the samurai districts of Edo and guarded [[Nijo castle|Nijô]] and [[Osaka castle]]s, they constituted the three chief shogunate guard units. The commanders of these three units were selected from the highest-ranking ''[[hatamoto]]'', but wielded little political power.<ref>Mitani Hiroshi, David Noble (trans.), ''Escape from Impasse'', International House of Japan (2006), xxx.</ref>
Beyond the various audience halls lay the shogun's personal quarters, along with the [[Ooku|Ôoku]].
The ''ôhiroma'' contained three platforms of different heights, called ''dan'', allowing the shogun to sit not only at a distance from his formal visitors, but also physically above them. Wrapping around an inner garden, and thus forming a U-shape with the three ''dan'', were three antechambers, known respectively as the ''ni-'', ''san-'', and ''yon-no-ma''. The ''shiroshoin'' was arranged similarly, though on a smaller scale, with two ''dan'', two audience rooms, and two antechambers.
The ''Nishi-no-maru'', or "western bailey," now the central area of the Imperial Palace, was previously home to the palatial residence of the shogunal heir. Originally completed in [[1710]], it mirrored the ''honmaru'' palace to a large extent in its layout, albeit on a smaller scale. Though typically the residence of the shogunal heir, it was at times used for lengthy periods as the chief residence of a retired shogun.<ref>Daniele Lauro, "Displaying authority: Guns, political legitimacy, and martial pageantry in Tokugawa Japan, 1600 - 1868," MA Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2013), 57.</ref> Envoys from [[Ryukyuan embassies to Edo|the Ryûkyû Kingdom]], [[Korean embassies to Edo|Korea]], and the [[Dutch East India Company]] regularly enjoyed audiences at the ''Nishi-no-maru'' in addition to their formal audiences with the shogun in the ''Ôhiroma'' (main audience hall) of the ''Honmaru''.
Beyond these various audience halls lay the shogun's personal quarters, along with the [[Ooku|Ôoku]].
The Ni-no-maru gardens were designed by [[Kobori Enshu|Kobori Enshû]].
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*[] Rebuilding Edo castle association
*[] Rebuilding Edo castle association
*[ Photos]
*[ Photos]
*[,139.752799,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x60188c0d02d8064d:0xd11a5f0b379e6db7 Edo Castle on Google Maps]
*[[Nihon no Meijo Kojo Jiten]]
*[[Nihon no Meijo Kojo Jiten]]
*Anne Walthall, "Hiding the shoguns: Secrecy and the nature of political authority in Tokugawa Japan," in Bernard Scheid and Mark Teeuwen (eds.) ''The Culture of Secrecy in Japanese Religion'', Routledge (2006), 334-336.  
*Anne Walthall, "Hiding the shoguns: Secrecy and the nature of political authority in Tokugawa Japan," in Bernard Scheid and Mark Teeuwen (eds.) ''The Culture of Secrecy in Japanese Religion'', Routledge (2006), 331-356.
*Plaques on-site at East Gardens of the Imperial Palace.


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