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Created page with " Charles Comte de Montblanc was a French nobleman and merchant who forged a set of trade agreements with Satsuma han in the 1860s. He also worked closely with Satsuma offi..."

Charles Comte de Montblanc was a French nobleman and merchant who forged a set of trade agreements with [[Satsuma han]] in the 1860s. He also worked closely with Satsuma officials to organize a Satsuma pavilion (separate from that of the [[Tokugawa shogunate]]) at the [[1867 Paris World's Fair]].

Montblanc met a number of Satsuma representatives in Belgium in [[1865]], during their [[Satsuma students|study trip]] across Europe. [[Godai Tomoatsu]] and [[Niiro Hisanobu]] led the way in signing an agreement with Montblanc which arranged for the creation of a joint company which would open mining operations in Satsuma, along with factories to produce steel, weapons, textiles, and [[tea]]. The agreement also arranged for the opening of three ports - [[Naha]] and [[Unten]] on [[Okinawa Island]], and Naze on [[Amami Oshima|Amami Ôshima]] - for trade.


*Marco Tinello, "The termination of the Ryukyuan embassies to Edo : an investigation of the bakumatsu period through the lens of a tripartite power relationship and its world," PhD thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (2014), 380-381.



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