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Engakuji is a Rinzai Zen temple in Kamakura, ranked second among the Kamakura Gosan. It was founded in 1282 by Ch'an priest Mugaku Sogen upon the request of Shikken Hôjô Tokimune, who sought to expand the presence of Zen, the sect to which he devoted himself, and in order to serve as a temple dedicated to the spirits of those killed, on both sides, in the failed Mongol invasions.

The shariden, formerly the butsuden of the Taihei-ji nunnery, represents the oldest example in Japan of multi-storied, three-bayed, irimoya Chinese-style architecture, and is considered a National Treasure, as are the supposed relics of the Buddha contained within, and the temple's bell. The relics are said to have been obtained from Neng Yan Temple in China by Shogun Minamoto no Sanetomo. In addition, the temple's sanmon (main gate, rebuilt 1785), butsuden (Buddha Hall, rebuilt 1964), and hôjô are said to be model examples of Zen architecture.

The temple's main Buddha Hall, rebuilt in 1964, contains an image of a Jewelled-Crowned Shaka. The dragon painting on the ceiling was produced by Maeda Seison, one of the founders of Nihonga, along with his student Moriya Tadashi.

The temple remains today one of the larger Zen compounds in Kamakura, containing 19 tatchû (sub-temples); at its peak, the tatchû numbered 42.

One of the first subtemples to be constructed in the compound, called Butsunichian (仏日庵), was built to serve as Tokimune's mausoleum. His son Hôjô Sadatoki and grandson Hôjô Takatoki later came to be buried there as well. It was renovated in 1811.

Another tatchû, the Ôbaiin, was founded by Tokimune's wife, Kakuzan-ni, as a site for holding his memorial service. The site would later become closely associated with the Ashikaga clan; some of Ashikaga Yoshiakira's ashes are said to be held there.

The Seizokuin was built in 1286 as the tomb of Mugaku Sogen, the temple's founder, who died on 1286/5/3 at Kenchô-ji, to which he had returned after establishing Engaku-ji.

The shogunal and Imperial patronage enjoyed by the temple in the Kamakura period declined in the Muromachi and Edo periods, though the temple continued to survive. It suffered damage by fire on a number of occasions, though Seisetsu Shûcho (Daiyû-kokushi) oversaw a major reconstruction effort in the Tenmei era (1781-89).
