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Copied from Bio. Dict.
* ''Born: [[1567]]''
* ''Died: [[1642]]''
* ''Titles: Hida no kami''
* ''Distinction: [[Otomo clan|Ôtomo]] retainer, [[Chikugo province|Chikugo]] warlord''

[[Image:Muneshige mon.jpg|left|thumb|Muneshige's kamon.]]

Muneshige was the son of [[Takahashi Shigetane]] and was adopted by [[Tachibana Dosetsu]]. He defended [[Tachibana castle]] against the [[Shimazu clan|Shimazu]] in [[1586]] and readily sided with [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] in [[1587]] to help defeat them. He was afterwards given [[Yanagawa castle]] in Chikugo province (worth some 120,000 [[koku]]) and led 2,500 men in [[Kobayakawa Takakage|Kobayakawa Takakage's]] command in the [[First Korean Campaign]]. In the [[Second Korean Campaign]] he was involved in the [[Siege of Ulsan]], where he distinguished himself for bravery. He decided to support [[Ishida Mitsunari]] against [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]] in [[1600]] and took 1,000 men to assist in the [[Siege of Otsu|Siege of Ôtsu castle]] ([[Omi province|Ômi province]]). Though Ôtsu fell, Muneshige was unable to fight at the [[Battle of Sekigahara]] as a result of the siege's duration. Nonetheless, he was deprived of his domains in the aftermath of [[Ishida Mitsunari|Mitsunari's]] defeat. In [[1611]] he was given a 20,000 koku fief at [[Tanakura]] ([[Mutsu province]]) and was present at the quelling of the [[Shimabara Rebellion]].


[[Category:Samurai]][[Category:Sengoku Period]]


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