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===The First Forum===
===The First Forum===
On Christmas day, 1999, at approximately 10AM PST, the [ Samurai History forum] was founded at Delphi Forums.
On Christmas day, 1999, at approximately 10AM PST, the [ Samurai History forum] was founded at Delphi Forums. The forums slowly caught on, attracting people from other Delphi forums.
====Flame War====
Sometime in 2000, a flame war errupted over multiple inane topics, including the inappropriateness of people in the USA selling T-shirts with clan Kamon on them, the "inability" of westerners to "understand" the Japanese, and theories about the genetics of the line of Japanese emperors. The war was spurred by two particularly bellicose forum goers, and in the resulting explosion most of the members were lost. Few remain today who remember the heady and wild early days of the forum. Most current members joined in 2001 or later.
Unfortunately the forum strings related to the warfare of 2000 were eliminated, and lost to history.
===Yahoo Group===
In an attempt to give people another option for dialogue, the [ Samurai History Yahoo Group] was created in September, 2000. The theory here was that some people might prefer an email group rather than a forum to communicate, so it was decided to create a yahoo group to supplement the Delphi forum. The Yahoo group has proven over the years to attract a larger pool of members, however the conversations tends to ebb and flow, and some conversations tend to lack substance in regards to the study of Japanese history (most likely the ease of use is partly to blame for this).