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Meanwhile, though Hokuzan, the neighboring kingdom to the north, held no advantages over Chûzan economically or in terms of political influence, Hashi viewed their capital city castle of [[Nakijin gusuku]] as a threat militarily. When the opportunity presented itself in [[1419]], after three Hokuzan ''anji'' (local lords) turned to his side, Hashi led his father's army, and conquered [[Nakijin]] in a swift series of attacks. The king of Hokuzan, along with his closest retainers, committed suicide after a fierce resistance. A year after his father's death in [[1421]], Hashi requested official recognition and [[investiture]] from the Chinese imperial court, and received it in due course. It may be interesting to note that, despite the nominal independence of Ryûkyû into the 19th century, this practice would continue. The court bestowed upon him the family name Shang (''[[Sho Dynasty|Shô]]'' in Japanese), registered a new title in their annals: ''Liuqiu Wang'' (琉球王, Japanese: ''Ryûkyû-Ô'', King of Ryûkyû), and sent Hashi's emissary back with a ceremonial [[dragon robe]], and a [[lacquer]] tablet with the word ''Chûzan'' inscribed upon it. This Chûzan tablet was then placed on display outside Shuri Castle, where it remained until the 20th century.
Meanwhile, though Hokuzan, the neighboring kingdom to the north, held no advantages over Chûzan economically or in terms of political influence, Hashi viewed their capital city castle of [[Nakijin gusuku]] as a threat militarily. When the opportunity presented itself in [[1419]], after three Hokuzan ''anji'' (local lords) turned to his side, Hashi led his father's army, and conquered [[Nakijin]] in a swift series of attacks. The king of Hokuzan, along with his closest retainers, committed suicide after a fierce resistance. A year after his father's death in [[1421]], Hashi requested official recognition and [[investiture]] from the Chinese imperial court, and received it in due course. It may be interesting to note that, despite the nominal independence of Ryûkyû into the 19th century, this practice would continue. The court bestowed upon him the family name Shang (''[[Sho Dynasty|Shô]]'' in Japanese), registered a new title in their annals: ''Liuqiu Wang'' (琉球王, Japanese: ''Ryûkyû-Ô'', King of Ryûkyû), and sent Hashi's emissary back with a ceremonial [[dragon robe]], and a [[lacquer]] tablet with the word ''Chûzan'' inscribed upon it. This Chûzan tablet was then placed on display outside Shuri Castle, where it remained until the 20th century.
Thus, succeeding his father as king of Chûzan in [[1422]], and appointing his younger brother Warden of Hokuzan, he seized [[Shimajiri Osato gusuku|Shimajiri Ôzato]], capital of Nanzan, in [[1429]], from Lord [[Taromai]]. Thus uniting the island of Okinawa, he founded the Ryûkyû Kingdom and the Shô Dynasty.
Thus, succeeding his father as king of Chûzan in [[1422]], and appointing his younger brother (or son) [[Sho Chu|Shô Chû]] [[Warden of Hokuzan]], he seized [[Shimajiri Osato gusuku|Shimajiri Ôzato]], capital of Nanzan, in [[1429]], from Lord [[Taromai]]. Thus uniting the island of Okinawa, he founded the Ryûkyû Kingdom and the Shô Dynasty.
Up to this point, the three kingdoms had operated on a very simple feudal model. Peasants were subsistence farmers who paid taxes to their local ''anji'' and performed various other labors and services to him; the ''anji'' in turn owed taxes and services to the head of their kingdom (hypothetically a king, but called a prince in many English-language texts on the subject). Shô Hashi did not effect drastic dramatic changes upon this system, but reinforced it as part of his unification efforts; ''anji'' were made to owe their allegiance to his royal government at Shuri, rather than becoming lordless rebels or the like upon the defeat and absorption of their kingdom. Hashi also oversaw a significant expansion of trade, particularly with China, and organized envoys to other Asian countries as well. Documents survive today chronicling a number of missions to [[Ayutthaya]], the capital of [[Siam]] at the time, to resolve trade issues. Recognizing the importance of trade to Ryûkyû's continued prosperity, Shô Hashi promoted it strongly, and even ordered a bell cast and installed at Shuri Castle, upon which was inscribed "Ships are means of communication with all nations; the country is full of rare products and precious treasures."<ref name=Kerr>Kerr, George H. (2000). <u>Okinawa: the History of an Island People</u>. (revised ed.) Boston: Tuttle Publishing.</ref>
Up to this point, the three kingdoms had operated on a very simple feudal model. Peasants were subsistence farmers who paid taxes to their local ''anji'' and performed various other labors and services to him; the ''anji'' in turn owed taxes and services to the head of their kingdom (hypothetically a king, but called a prince in many English-language texts on the subject). Shô Hashi did not effect drastic dramatic changes upon this system, but reinforced it as part of his unification efforts; ''anji'' were made to owe their allegiance to his royal government at Shuri, rather than becoming lordless rebels or the like upon the defeat and absorption of their kingdom. Hashi also oversaw a significant expansion of trade, particularly with China, and organized envoys to other Asian countries as well. Documents survive today chronicling a number of missions to [[Ayutthaya]], the capital of [[Siam]] at the time, to resolve trade issues. Recognizing the importance of trade to Ryûkyû's continued prosperity, Shô Hashi promoted it strongly, and even ordered a bell cast and installed at Shuri Castle, upon which was inscribed "Ships are means of communication with all nations; the country is full of rare products and precious treasures."<ref name=Kerr>Kerr, George H. (2000). <u>Okinawa: the History of an Island People</u>. (revised ed.) Boston: Tuttle Publishing.</ref>


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