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By the 1480s-1490s, however, the Miyakos were embroiled in violence between two clans known as the [[Nakasone family|Nakasone]] and [[Kaneshigawa family|Kaneshigawa families]] fighting for dominance; [[Oyake Akahachi]], a powerful leader from nearby [[Ishigaki Island]] attempted to take advantage of the chaos and disunity by invading the Miyakos and placing them under his control, but [[Nakasone Toyomiya|Nakasone Tuyumya Genga]], a great-great-grandson of Meguro Mori, not only fought off Akahachi's invasion, he even managed to go on to invade the Yaeyamas himself, seizing control of many of those islands before moving on to attack even [[Yonaguni Island]], the westernmost of the Ryukyu Islands.<ref>Kerr, 121.; "Oyake Akahachi." Okinawa rekishi jinmei jiten (沖縄歴史人名事典, "Encyclopedia of People of Okinawan History"). Naha: Okinawa Bunka-sha, 1996. p18.; Shinzato, Keiji et al. Okinawa-ken no rekishi (History of Okinawa Prefecture). Tokyo: Yamakawa Publishing, 1996. p57.</ref> King [[Sho Shin|Shô Shin]] of Shuri then sent forces to the Miyakos and Yaeyamas in [[1500]] to quell this fighting and to bring peace and civilization to the islands. In the official histories produced by the kingdom, Nakasone Tuyumya is celebrated as a hero for convincing the people of the Miyakos and Yaeyamas to embrace Shuri rule and Ryukyuan culture or "civilization," sparing them the death and destruction that might have come from resisting the invasion more strongly. Nakasone was then rewarded for his support by being recognized as "chieftain" of Miyako, and being permitted to retain a position of authority over the islands, within the framework of the larger Ryûkyû Kingdom.
By the 1480s-1490s, however, the Miyakos were embroiled in violence between two clans known as the [[Nakasone family|Nakasone]] and [[Kaneshigawa family|Kaneshigawa families]] fighting for dominance; [[Oyake Akahachi]], a powerful leader from nearby [[Ishigaki Island]] attempted to take advantage of the chaos and disunity by invading the Miyakos and placing them under his control, but [[Nakasone Toyomiya|Nakasone Tuyumya Genga]], a great-great-grandson of Meguro Mori, not only fought off Akahachi's invasion, he even managed to go on to invade the Yaeyamas himself, seizing control of many of those islands before moving on to attack even [[Yonaguni Island]], the westernmost of the Ryukyu Islands.<ref>Kerr, 121.; "Oyake Akahachi." Okinawa rekishi jinmei jiten (沖縄歴史人名事典, "Encyclopedia of People of Okinawan History"). Naha: Okinawa Bunka-sha, 1996. p18.; Shinzato, Keiji et al. Okinawa-ken no rekishi (History of Okinawa Prefecture). Tokyo: Yamakawa Publishing, 1996. p57.</ref> King [[Sho Shin|Shô Shin]] of Shuri then sent forces to the Miyakos and Yaeyamas in [[1500]] to quell this fighting and to bring peace and civilization to the islands. In the official histories produced by the kingdom, Nakasone Tuyumya is celebrated as a hero for convincing the people of the Miyakos and Yaeyamas to embrace Shuri rule and Ryukyuan culture or "civilization," sparing them the death and destruction that might have come from resisting the invasion more strongly. Nakasone was then rewarded for his support by being recognized as "chieftain" of Miyako, and being permitted to retain a position of authority over the islands, within the framework of the larger Ryûkyû Kingdom.
The ''[[kokuo shotokuhi|kokuô shôtoku-hi]]'', a famous stele standing outside of [[Shuri castle]], relates in its inscription that it was erected in [[1543]] in commemoration of the dispatch of a sword and sacred beads from Miyako, during the reign of [[Sho Shin|Shô Shin]];<ref>''Okinawa bijutsu zenshû'' 沖縄美術全集. vol. 4. Okinawa Times, 1989. Description of Plates 81-82.</ref> according to the traditional histories, this sword (likely the one known as [[Famous Samurai Swords|Jiganemaru]]) was a gift from Nakasone to the king explicitly as an expression of gratitude for Shuri's recognition of his position and authority.<ref>Kerr, 118, 121-122.; "[ Nakasone Toyomiya]." (Originally from Takara, Kurayoshi. "Nakasone Toyomiya." ''Asahi Nippon Rekishi Jinbutsu Jiten'', Asahi Shimbun Publishers.) Accessed 11 July 2009.; "Nakasone Tuyumya." ''Okinawa konpakuto jiten'' (沖縄コンパクト事典, "Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia"). [ Ryukyu Shimpo] (琉球新報). 1 March 2003. Accessed 11 July 2009.; "Nakasone Tuyumiya Genga." ''Okinawa rekishi jinmei jiten'' (沖縄歴史人名事典, "Encyclopedia of People of Okinawan History"). Naha: Okinawa Bunka-sha, 1996. p54.</ref>
The ''[[kokuo shotokuhi|kokuô shôtoku-hi]]'', a famous stele standing outside of [[Shuri castle]], relates in its inscription that it was erected in [[1543]] in commemoration of the dispatch of a sword and sacred beads from Miyako, during the reign of [[Sho Shin|Shô Shin]];<ref>''Okinawa bijutsu zenshû'' 沖縄美術全集. vol. 4. Okinawa Times, 1989. Description of Plates 81-82.</ref> according to the traditional histories, this sword (likely the one known as [[Jiganemaru]]) was a gift from Nakasone to the king explicitly as an expression of gratitude for Shuri's recognition of his position and authority.<ref>Kerr, 118, 121-122.; "[ Nakasone Toyomiya]." (Originally from Takara, Kurayoshi. "Nakasone Toyomiya." ''Asahi Nippon Rekishi Jinbutsu Jiten'', Asahi Shimbun Publishers.) Accessed 11 July 2009.; "Nakasone Tuyumya." ''Okinawa konpakuto jiten'' (沖縄コンパクト事典, "Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia"). [ Ryukyu Shimpo] (琉球新報). 1 March 2003. Accessed 11 July 2009.; "Nakasone Tuyumiya Genga." ''Okinawa rekishi jinmei jiten'' (沖縄歴史人名事典, "Encyclopedia of People of Okinawan History"). Naha: Okinawa Bunka-sha, 1996. p54.</ref>
[[Gregory Smits]] takes a critical approach to the histories written by the kingdom, however, noting that they "take on the qualities of a Chinese-style morality play," emphasizing certain figures as heroes or villains, and coloring the narrative of Miyako-Shuri interactions overall as one of uncivilized, "barbaric" places prone to violence which needed to be shown the morality and superior culture of [[Confucianism|Confucian]] civilization. Putting aside stories which cannot be verified by other sources, Smits suggests that all we can know with any certainty is that there was some factionalism and fighting in the Miyako Islands in the 14th century. He suggests that after [[Okinawa Island]] began engaging in formal tribute trade with the Ming Empire in the 1370s, rumors of the prosperity or luxury goods brought to Okinawa through that trade may have reached the Miyakos and inspired efforts to establish stronger (and/or more official) trade relations with Okinawa. Miyako and Yaeyama Islanders were likely also trading with the Chinese coast, and Shô Shin's attack on the islands may have been aimed at reining this trade in and claiming a stronger Shuri monopoly on the China trade.<ref>Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', University of Hawaii Press (2019), 55.</ref>
[[Gregory Smits]] takes a critical approach to the histories written by the kingdom, however, noting that they "take on the qualities of a Chinese-style morality play," emphasizing certain figures as heroes or villains, and coloring the narrative of Miyako-Shuri interactions overall as one of uncivilized, "barbaric" places prone to violence which needed to be shown the morality and superior culture of [[Confucianism|Confucian]] civilization.<ref>Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', 54.</ref> Putting aside stories which cannot be verified by other sources, Smits suggests that all we can know with any certainty is that there was some factionalism and fighting in the Miyako Islands in the 14th century. He suggests that after [[Okinawa Island]] began engaging in formal tribute trade with the Ming Empire in the 1370s, rumors of the prosperity or luxury goods brought to Okinawa through that trade may have reached the Miyakos and inspired efforts to establish stronger (and/or more official) trade relations with Okinawa. Miyako and Yaeyama Islanders were likely also trading with the Chinese coast, and Shô Shin's attack on the islands may have been aimed at reining this trade in and claiming a stronger Shuri monopoly on the China trade.<ref>Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', University of Hawaii Press (2019), 55.</ref>
Though the kingdom's official histories seem to represent the people of the Miyakos and Yaeyamas as separate peoples who the Okinawa-based kingdom fought with and then incorporated, local legends, along with archaeological and other evidence, seems to suggest a notable influx in the 14th century of people from the north - people with superior metalworking technology, seafaring abilities, and established practices of trade with China. These people may have been ''[[wako|wakô]]'' driven south in the late 14th century by the collapse of the [[Southern Court]] in Kyushu.<ref>Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', 56.</ref>
Though the kingdom's official histories seem to represent the people of the Miyakos and Yaeyamas as separate peoples who the Okinawa-based kingdom fought with and then incorporated, local legends, along with archaeological and other evidence, seems to suggest a notable influx in the 14th century of people from the north - people with superior metalworking technology, seafaring abilities, and established practices of trade with China. These people may have been ''[[wako|wakô]]'' driven south in the late 14th century by the collapse of the [[Southern Court]] in Kyushu.<ref>Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', 56.</ref>
Following Shuri's defeat of the islanders, the islands were then incorporated (albeit loosely) into the kingdom, and officials were dispatched from Shuri to oversee and administer the islands.<ref>Kerr, 115.</ref> Shuri appointed officials known as ''[[Shuri oyako|Ufu Sui uyaku]]'' and ''[[zaiban (Ryukyu)|zaiban]]'' to oversee matters in the outer islands, on behalf of the royal government.<ref>"[ Zaiban]," Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia 沖縄コンパクト事典, Ryukyu Shimpo, 1 March 2003.</ref> These ''zaiban'' operated under the authority of a ''kuramutu'' (J: ''[[kuramoto]]'') based on [[Ishigaki Island]].<ref>"[ Kuramoto]." ''Okinawa konpakuto jiten'' (沖縄コンパクト事典, "Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia"). Ryukyu Shimpô. 1 March 2003. Accessed 16 January 2010.</ref> Beginning as early as [[1503]], Shuri also appointed ''Ôamu tsukasa'', priestess officials under the [[Oamushirare|Makabe Ôamushirare]] (''Makan Ufuanshitari'') high priestess based in Shuri, to serve as the chief religious officials in the Miyakos.<ref>Plaque at former site of Makan dunchi. []</ref>
Following Shuri's defeat of the islanders, the islands were then incorporated (albeit loosely) into the kingdom, and officials were dispatched from Shuri to oversee and administer the islands.<ref>Kerr, 115.</ref> Shuri appointed officials known as ''[[Shuri oyako|Ufu Sui uyaku]]'' and ''[[zaiban (Ryukyu)|zaiban]]'' to oversee matters in the outer islands, on behalf of the royal government.<ref>"[ Zaiban]," Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia 沖縄コンパクト事典, Ryukyu Shimpo, 1 March 2003.</ref> These ''zaiban'' operated under the authority of a ''kuramutu'' (J: ''[[kuramoto]]'') based on [[Ishigaki Island]].<ref>"[ Kuramoto]." ''Okinawa konpakuto jiten'' (沖縄コンパクト事典, "Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia"). Ryukyu Shimpô. 1 March 2003. Accessed 16 January 2010.</ref> Beginning as early as [[1503]], Shuri also appointed ''Ôamu tsukasa'', priestess officials under the [[Oamushirare|Makabe Ôamushirare]] (''Makan Ufuanshitari'') high priestess based in Shuri, to serve as the chief religious officials in the Miyakos.<ref>Plaque at former site of Makan dunchi. []</ref> These priestesses were local women from the Miyakos who traveled to Shuri to receive their official appointments.<ref>Smits, ''Maritime Ryukyu'', 179.</ref>
One of the most oft-discussed and perhaps most oppressive aspects of life under the kingdom for residents of the Miyakos was a [[poll tax]] (or "head tax") implemented in [[1637]] and continued by the Empire of Japan through the abolition of the kingdom, into the early years of the 20th century. Each individual (i.e. each "head") in the islands owed a certain amount to Shuri (and, later, to the prefectural government in [[Naha]]). This was not only a heavy tax burden simply in terms of the amount to be paid, but also because islanders were often obliged to pay in X, thus requiring them to convert their grain, textiles, or other products into X. This heavy tax burden frequently led to uprisings, riots, and protests. One particularly notable set of protests, known as the [[Miyako Island Peasantry Movement]], took place in [[1893]] to [[1895]], and not only involved local protests in the Miyakos, but also Miyako Islanders traveling to Tokyo to petition before the [[Imperial Diet]] for an end to the oppressive tax burden. The poll tax system was eventually abolished in [[1903]].
One of the most oft-discussed and perhaps most oppressive aspects of life under the kingdom for residents of the Miyakos was a [[poll tax]] (or "head tax") implemented in [[1637]] and continued by the Empire of Japan through the abolition of the kingdom, into the early years of the 20th century. Each individual (i.e. each "head") in the islands owed a certain amount to Shuri (and, later, to the prefectural government in [[Naha]]). This was not only a heavy tax burden simply in terms of the amount to be paid, but also because islanders were often obliged to pay in X, thus requiring them to convert their grain, textiles, or other products into X. This heavy tax burden frequently led to uprisings, riots, and protests. One particularly notable set of protests, known as the [[Miyako Island Peasantry Movement]], took place in [[1893]] to [[1895]], and not only involved local protests in the Miyakos, but also Miyako Islanders traveling to Tokyo to petition before the [[Imperial Diet]] for an end to the oppressive tax burden. The poll tax system was eventually abolished in [[1903]].
Despite all of this, however - the heavy tax burden, and the various officials dispatched to the islands - overall the kingdom's control over local affairs in the Miyakos and Yaeyamas was fairly loose. Local authorities such as Nakasone Tuyumya and his successors, referred to as ''kashira'' in Shuri records, were given considerable autonomy to manage local affairs.<ref>Smits, "Examining the Myth of Ryukyuan Pacifism"; Smits, "Rethinking Ryukyu," International Journal of Okinawan Studies 6:1 (2015), 7.</ref>
Despite all of this, however - the heavy tax burden, and the various officials dispatched to the islands - overall the kingdom's control over local affairs in the Miyakos and Yaeyamas was fairly loose. Local authorities such as Nakasone Tuyumya and his successors, referred to as ''[[kashira (Ryukyu)|kashira]]'' in Shuri records, were given considerable autonomy to manage local affairs.<ref>Smits, "Examining the Myth of Ryukyuan Pacifism"; Smits, "Rethinking Ryukyu," International Journal of Okinawan Studies 6:1 (2015), 7.</ref>
Much as imperial and shogunal authorities in Japan frequently exiled criminals or political enemies to distant islands, Miyako became a common destination for the kingdom to send exiles; [[Sokei Chugi|Sokei Chûgi]] (1686-1749), a court official known for his excellence at poetry, was among those exiled to Miyako.<ref>"[ Sokei Chûgi]." ''Asahi Nihon rekishi jinbutsu jiten'' 朝日日本歴史人物事典. Asahi Shimbunsha.</ref> Some of the men accused of killing US Marine [[Board Incident|William Board]] in [[1854]] were also exiled to Miyako.<ref>"[ Board Jiken]." ''Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia'' 沖縄コンパクト事典. Ryukyu Shimpo. 1 March 2003.; [[George Kerr]]. ''Okinawa: The History of an Island People''. Revised Edition. Tuttle Publishing, 2000. pp331-332.</ref>
Much as imperial and shogunal authorities in Japan frequently exiled criminals or political enemies to distant islands, Miyako became a common destination for the kingdom to send exiles; [[Sokei Chugi|Sokei Chûgi]] (1686-1749), a court official known for his excellence at poetry, was among those exiled to Miyako.<ref>"[ Sokei Chûgi]." ''Asahi Nihon rekishi jinbutsu jiten'' 朝日日本歴史人物事典. Asahi Shimbunsha.</ref> Some of the men accused of killing US Marine [[Board Incident|William Board]] in [[1854]] were also exiled to Miyako.<ref>"[ Board Jiken]." ''Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia'' 沖縄コンパクト事典. Ryukyu Shimpo. 1 March 2003.; [[George Kerr]]. ''Okinawa: The History of an Island People''. Revised Edition. Tuttle Publishing, 2000. pp331-332.</ref>
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[[Military conscription]], established in mainland Japan in [[1872]]-[[1873]] and extended to parts of Okinawa prefecture in the 1890s, was only first implemented in the Miyakos and Yaeyamas beginning in [[1902]].<ref>E.H. Norman. ''Soldier and Peasant in Japan: The Origins of Conscription''. New York: Institute for Pacific Relations (1945), 41-42, 49.</ref>
[[Military conscription]], established in mainland Japan in [[1872]]-[[1873]] and extended to parts of Okinawa prefecture in the 1890s, was only first implemented in the Miyakos and Yaeyamas beginning in [[1902]].<ref>E.H. Norman. ''Soldier and Peasant in Japan: The Origins of Conscription''. New York: Institute for Pacific Relations (1945), 41-42, 49.</ref>
Following the [[Ryukyu Shobun|abolition and annexation of the Ryûkyû Kingdom]] by the Empire of Japan in the 1870s, civil affairs in the Miyako and Yaeyama Islands came to be controlled, initially, by police forces composed primarily of individuals from [[Kagoshima prefecture|Kagoshima]]. Only in [[1893]] were local civil authorities granted control of such matters. Meanwhile, a policy of ''[[kyukan onzon|kyûkan onzon]]'' (roughly, "maintaining old customs") was employed by the Japanese, leaving much of the kingdom's administrative and taxation structure in place until [[1903]], due to a belief that avoiding immediate and radical change (in the 1870s-80s) would help avoid local uprisings or revolts.
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==External Links==
*[,+Okinawa/@24.7886469,124.7898858,10z The Miyako Islands on Google Maps]
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