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* ''Born: [[1545]]''
* ''Died: [[1613]]''
* ''Title: Iwami no Kami''

Nagayasu was the son of a sarugaku player for the [[Takeda clan]]. He became a minor administrator for the Takeda and was later adopted by [[Okubo Tadachika]] (from whom he adopted his surname) and became the commissioner of mines for [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]] after [[1590]]. In this role he proved most useful to Ieyasu, though he was suspected of fraudulent activities. Nonetheless, he was given a 30,000-koku fief at Hachijo ([[Musashi province]]) and in [[1606]] was made daikan of [[Izu province|Izu]], handling tax collection and finances in general for that province. Such was his importance; he was nicknamed Tenka no Sôdaikan, or 'Great Administrator of the Realm'. He became involved in a bitter feud with [[Honda Masazumi]] that worsened the fortunes of the [[Okubo clan|Okubo]] in general. After his death in April 1613, Nagayasu's illegal activities came to light and his family was harshly punished.

[[Category:Samurai]][[Category:Sengoku Period]]


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