After Hideyoshi’s triumph at Yamazaki, conflict broke out between the late Nobunaga’s senior retainers over the matter of succession. The tensions culminated in open warfare between faction led by Hideyoshi and [[Shibata Katsuie]]. In late 1582 Hideyoshi dispatched Takayama and Nakagawa to northern [[Omi province|Omi]] and tasked them with holding two critical forts placed to block any movement from the Shibata down from Echizen. Takayama was given Iwasakiyama and, some miles to the south, Nakagawa was installed in Shizugatake. In early [[1583]] Katsuie dispatched an army under [[Sakuma Morimasa]] to capture these frontier forts, and in the course of the campaign Takayama was forced to abandon Iwasakiyama and take up in nearby Tagami | After Hideyoshi’s triumph at Yamazaki, conflict broke out between the late Nobunaga’s senior retainers over the matter of succession. The tensions culminated in open warfare between faction led by Hideyoshi and [[Shibata Katsuie]]. In late 1582 Hideyoshi dispatched Takayama and Nakagawa to northern [[Omi province|Omi]] and tasked them with holding two critical forts placed to block any movement from the Shibata down from Echizen. Takayama was given Iwasakiyama and, some miles to the south, Nakagawa was installed in Shizugatake. In early [[1583]] Katsuie dispatched an army under [[Sakuma Morimasa]] to capture these frontier forts, and in the course of the campaign Takayama was forced to abandon Iwasakiyama and take up in nearby Tagami |