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[[Footbinding]], which began to spread among elite society in the Northern Song Period, became firmly entrenched by the end of the Southern Song, especially among the wives & daughters of officials.<ref>Patricia Ebrey, ''The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period'', University of California Press (1993), 37-40.</ref>
[[Footbinding]], which began to spread among elite society in the Northern Song Period, became firmly entrenched by the end of the Southern Song, especially among the wives & daughters of officials.<ref>Patricia Ebrey, ''The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period'', University of California Press (1993), 37-40.</ref>
Chan (J: [[Zen]]) Buddhism was at the heights of its popularity in China at this time; Chan temples came to outnumber those of any other sect, and a variety of prominent masters and teachings emerged at this time. Many of the greatest Chan painters in Chinese tradition also date to the Southern Song, including [[Muqi]] and [[Liang Kai]].<ref>Conrad Schirokauer, et al, ''A Brief History of Chinese and Japanese Civilizations'', Fourth Edition, Cengage Learning (2012), 202-203.</ref>


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