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Some traditional treatments of Han origins place them as first emerging in the loess plains near the great bend of the [[Yellow River]], in the area surrounding what is today the city of [[Chang'an|Xi'an]]. As late as around 1000 BCE, they are believed to have inhabited an area no larger than ten percent of what is today considered "China proper."<ref>That is, excluding Manchuria, Mongolia, Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang, to which the Chinese Empire expanded only in the 17th-18th centuries.</ref> Other peoples known today as the Yue, Li, Shu, and Zhuang, among others, lived beyond that area.
Some traditional treatments of Han origins place them as first emerging in the loess plains near the great bend of the [[Yellow River]], in the area surrounding what is today the city of [[Chang'an|Xi'an]]. As late as around 1000 BCE, they are believed to have inhabited an area no larger than ten percent of what is today considered "[[China proper]]."<ref>That is, excluding Manchuria, Mongolia, Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang, to which the Chinese Empire expanded only in the 17th-18th centuries.</ref> Other peoples known today as the Yue, Li, Shu, and Zhuang, among others, lived beyond that area.